All eyes look at Suho, her name too sensitive for him to hear. DO who sit next to Kai kick his leg tell him to shut up. Kai only realize his mistake when DO ask him to keep his mouth shut.
Kai: hyung..I'm sorry I didn't mean to..
Suho: (clear his throats) it's okay.

At the same time Chanyeol arrived and take a seat beside Suho.
Chanyeol: I'm sorry guys just come from home, Eunji not feeling well I brought her to clinic and send her back home after that.
Suho: it's okay Chan. Since you guys are all here so I'm going to tell you the good news. My boss appointed me as the project manager to lead our new project, to build the biggest cancer hospital in Seoul.
Chanyeol: seriously? Congrats hyung!
Baekhyun: daebak hyung! You working hard to get this project, congratulations!
Suho: thank you guys, I feel happy and grateful.
Sehun: I'm so proud of you hyung.
DO: guys lift up your glass, we're so proud of you hyung we hope you will complete the project successfully. Cheers!!!
All: cheers!!

First Meeting
Suho with his secretary and Mr. Song waiting for the workers from other company to come. Suho go through his slide again while waiting, suddenly someone knocking on the door and Mr. Song ask them to come in. 3 people come in and one of them is women. Suho look at her without blinking, mix feelings appear angry, heartache and he's not feeling comfortable. Three of them take a seat and start to introduce themselves.
Guy 1: hello my name is Mr. Tee I'm a Assistant Manager.
Guy 2: hello my name is Mr. Lam I'm a Senior Executive.
Women: hello my Ms. Hyolyn I'm a General Manager, nice to meet you (smiling while looking at Suho).
Mr. Song: well nice to meet you too, my name is Mr. Soo I'm a General Manager here. This is Mr. Kim Junmyeon our Head of Engineer and she is Irene Mr. Kim secretary.
Hyolyn: I know Mr. Kim we go to same school and we call him by name Suho.
Suho: (silent and look down on the table)
Mr. Song: really? what a small world, good to hear that. It's mean you two can work and spend time more together since you know each other, great! Suho you got anything to say?

Suho still not talking and just look down, his face getting red, he hold his anger and fist form on his right hand. His secretary call his name and stop from his day dreaming.
Irene: Mr. Kim are you okay? Mr. Kim?
Suho: yes..yes..I'm okay. Sorry I'm just feeling nervous a little.
Mr. Tee: it's okay, we understand.
Suho: hope we can work and go through the difficulties together.
Hyolyn: looking forward to work with you Suho.
Suho: (silent) shall we start our meeting for today?
All: okay.

After 2 hours they wrap up the meeting and say their goodbyes leaving two of them inside the room. Suho take his files and quickly go out from the meeting room but before he could leave Hyolyn stop him by closing and locked the door.
Hyolyn: hei..are you running away from me?
Suho: I'm busy I've got something else to do.
Hyolyn: wait..wait..not to fast Suho (walk slowly towards him)
Suho: sorry I've got no time for this.
Hyolyn: (grab his necktie and push him back on the seat) it's been long time we're not seeing each other.6 years have passed now we will work together, Isn't that great? Hurmm..I miss you oppa (bend down and whisper to his ear).
Suho: (push his chair back from her) don't do like this Hyolyn other people might sees us please be professional.
Hyolyn: professional? Hahahaha!!! You know what your CEO is my uncle so I can do whatever I want including... (walk and stand behind Suho) seduce you oppa (she whispers at Suho and kiss his cheek).
Suho: stop it! We are not high school students anymore, grow up!!!
Hyolyn: hahahaha! I am growing up and become beautiful and successful women oppa. Beautiful women just for you to kiss me, hug me and sleep with me.
Suho: enough!
Hyolyn: you don't like it? You did sleep with me last time.
Suho: I didn't do anything to you Hyolyn! You ruin my life! Because of you Chorong left me, I know that night you put something inside my drinks. You trapped me big time in front of her and my friends. I suffer for 6 years Hyolyn! 6 damn years!!! You must be happy right?! Right?!
Hyolyn: hahaha..! Clever boy..very clever (clap her hands) Yes! I put sleeping tablet inside your drink that night, you happy? But listen to me Suho whose gonna believe you anyway huh?! You don't have any proof to show and tell them especially that b****! She left you because you slept with me. It was the best thing that ever happened to me hahaha! If I don't get you in my life so is she. Remember oppa I will do anything to get you back even involve with other people's life. I will never stop because you are mine! One more thing is don't you ever try to let go this project because you know what happen to you.
Suho: you crazy women! Don't call her b**** she's got name and her name is PARK CHORONG! You know how much I love her, I thought you change I was so stupid for believing in you. I'm begging you please don't disturb me..please..
Hyolyn: you make crazy over you oppa! I love you so much but you never gave me a chance. Am I not good enough for you? Tell me oppa, you want me to change? I can change for you.
Suho: Don't act like this Hyolyn, don't force yourself you know how I felt about you we're just friend not more than that. There is no one can replace Chorong, in fact I still love her she is the only one for me Hyolyn. Please stop all this nonsense.
Hyolyn: Chorong..Chorong..Chorong..!! I really hate that name, I hate her for taking you away from me! I can't accept that.
Suho: I'm in love with her since our first day at school, even she left me I still love her you understand? She is not taking me away from you or anyone else so stop the crap! I'm losing my patience on you Hyolyn!
Hyolyn: owhh really? Okay..let me warn you Mr. Kim Junmyeon I don't care what happened you are mine! No one will take you away from me as long as I'm here, I will make them suffer oppa mark my word!
Suho: Don't you dare Hyolyn!
Hyolyn: try me!

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