Wrong Send

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Fr: 💝Adrien💝
To: Marinette

Hey. Wyd?

Fr: Mari👑
To: Adrien


Fr: Mari👑
To: Adrien

Who are you and how did you get this number?

Fr: 💝Adrien💝
To: Marinette

It's Adrien... Pretty sure I gave you my number a few days ago.

Fr: 💝Adrien💝
To: Marinette

Or maybe not? Really sorry, Marinette. It's Adrien, by the way.

Fr: Mari👑
To: Adrien

So how did you, whoever you are, manage to steal Adrien's phone?

Fr: Mari👑
To: Adrien

Is this Nino? Alya? Did you two steal Adrien's phone?

Fr: 💝Adrien💝
To: Marinette

Mari. It's me. Adrien Agreste. The one and only. Nobody stole my phone.

Fr: Mari👑
To: Adrien

The real Adrien Agreste would never start a conversation with wyd

Fr: 💝Adrien💝
To: Marinette

I was totally joking when I sent you that, though 😋.

Fr: Mari👑
To: Adrien

Were you really Adrien? Didnt sound like it ya know

Fr: Nino😎
To: Adrien

hey bro? I know ure tots busy bt can I ask?

Fr: Model bro
To: Nino

Yeah, sure, what is it, Nino?

Fr: 💝Adrien💝
To: Marinette

Mari, you know full well that I don't start a conversation with a "wyd" 😑. You just texted it awhile ago.

Fr: Nino😎
To: Adrien

abt alya. Is it fine?

Fr: 💝Adrien💝
To: Marinette


Fr: 💝Adrien💝
To: Marinette

No I do not ever start conversations with "wyd".

Fr: 💝Adrien💝
To: Marinette

Okay you're actually making me worried here. Did you believe that? I'm sorry I won't do it again. I'm not that kind of guy I swear.

Fr: Model bro
To: Nino

Sure. Is there something wrong between you two?

Fr: Mari👑
To: Adrien

Bathroom break. Sorry. I'm bafk now and still not believing for a second that you just made that move

Fr: Mari👑
To: Adrien


Fr: Nino😎
To: Adrien

i ask fr smth nd its already abt smth wrong? Smh. It's not tho. We're cool. Jst wanted to srprise her

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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