In This Darkness You're My Light

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When Charles woke up he found himself in Erik's arms. His friend was carrying him somewhere, Charles couldn't tell exactly where because he was still too disoriented and his head was hurting terribly. The heat of Erik's body was keeping Charles warm, giving him a feeling of comfort and coziness he really needed. He remained snuggled in this reassuring safe embrace, basking in its warmth for a few more moments before moving his head slightly, trying to curl up even closer to Erik's chest.

He could hear other voices around but they all sounded distant and foreign to Charles. All he could concentrated on now was Erik - Erik's warmth, Erik's scent, the beautiful curl of Erik's neck. Charles wished he could lean up and kiss him there but of course that was out of the question. Any other day Charles would be terrified of his outrageous thoughts and scandalous desires but now... now it all felt right and safe and good. It was like Charles belonged in Erik's arms. And even if he knew that this was ridiculous, impossible, that Erik would never reciprocate, despite all odds, Charles was dizzy enough to allow himself this little fantasy. He was in Erik's arms and the world was beautiful.

Erik was muttering something, a question Charles couldn't quite make up. He tried to reply but before he could say a word he passed out again.

The second time Charles woke up he was lying in his bed. He recognized his bedroom at his own home in Carlton. There was a candle on the nightstand so Charles assumed it must be evening. His vision was still a little blurry and his head was throbbing from the pain. He shifted a bit in his bed, trying to find a new, more comfortable position, when he heard Erik's voice from the other end of the room.

"Charles! You're awake!" In an instant the other man was by Charles' side again. His voice was soft and charged with emotions. It was soothing, it was pleasant to hear and Charles melted into a dizzy smile. Erik kept talking. "I'm so glad you finally came to! You were out cold for a whole day... How are you feeling?"

Charles tried to talk but his voice sounded funny in his ears so he switched to telepathy instead.

"I'm tired and in pain, also a little weak and giddy, but I'm sure I'll be fine soon, my friend." he thought, giving Erik another small smile.

Erik only stared at him, not a word, not a thought, nothing. It was almost as if Erik wasn't there at all - Charles couldn't feel him. He frowned, it was an unpleasant feeling, he usually always felt the brushes of Erik's mind when they were in the same room. It was reassuring in a strange but lovely way.

"Charles, can you talk? Can you hear me? What's wrong, Charles?" Erik said, his face looking increasingly concerned.

That was odd. Charles only just talked to Erik, didn't he? He thought at him, he sent him his telepathic message. Why wasn't Erik receiving it? Was he trying to make him talk? With his voice? At a time when he was so utterly exhausted? In his dizzy state of mind Charles found it hard to suppress the desire to pout.

"Charles! Please, just say something!" Erik gasped, sounding even more worried. "Raven! Raven, come quickly!" He called out.

"No need to shout, Erik." Charles finally forced himself to speak. "I just told you how I was feeling. Didn't you hear me?"

Erik shook his head hastily. "I didn't hear a thing, Charles."

Charles felt a cold shiver rising up his spine, spreading throughout his entire body.

"You-- you didn't?" he repeated confused. "That's never happened to me before... Erik, do you hear me now?"

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with my mutation. I cannot sense you." Charles thought at Erik.

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