One - Finally

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"You can't catch me!!!"

I glanced down to see a few of the monster kids playing by the snow. Some of the older monsters were gathered around with suitcases and boxes at hand. Trails of banners and streamers lied around, unscathed by the cold blizzard. There had been a farewell party earlier. Each and every monster of the kingdom came by to celebrate their last night in this place. To be honest, I've grown to love the monster world. It pains me to leave, since there were so many good memories.


It's been a week since we've defeated Flowey. None of us bothered to leave just yet, not until everyone's ready to go. Of course, some of the monsters wanted to stay behind. After all, this had been their home for their entire life. To venture through the unknown, not sure of who to trust and who's against you. I wouldn't blame it if they were afraid of the outside world.

I know I used to be.

"Hey there, kiddo."

I glanced to my side to see a wide-grinned skeleton standing with his hands inside his pockets. I know that cheeky smile, paired with a cobalt blue jacket, from a mile away. Sans. I slightly winced at his sudden appearance. How long was he standing there? I didn't hear him come up the ladder.

"Pap and the others have finished packing. You ready?"

I merely nodded in reply.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

I shook my head and tried to brush the question off. My fingers tugged at the end of my blue and purple sweater. He stared for a moment before sitting down beside me. For a few minutes, there was nothing but silence. Its as if he, too, was stuck in his own thoughts. His white orbs were focused on the tall, loud skeleton frantically waving his spatula at a little dog. A fish lady was holding him in place, screaming at the yellow monster wearing a lab coat. I let out a small giggle before turning back to Sans. My laughter died down as I noticed the expression on his face. He looked somewhat... Melancholic.

"Y'know. I get how you feel," He started. His eye sockets were a deep black as if all light, that had entered, died in it. It was a gloomy expression that slowly carved its way into my head. Like I've seen it before. "You're afraid that bad things would happen and you may not be able to save everyone once we reach the surface. Aren't you?"

I looked down at my small hands and nodded.

"Don't worry about it, kid. I know for sure there are all sorts of people; Those who believe in the good in others, like you and Papyrus and... Well, those who push down everyone not because they have to, but because they want to. No matter what happens up there, we're here for you. You're a good kid, Frisk. Always remember that."

He ruffled through my hair before letting out a sigh. I smiled softly at the skeleton before giving him a warm embrace. He was slightly hesitant at first, but he gave in afterwards. Big brother Sans. Why do you look so sad?

"C'mon, squirt. Let's head down before--"


The loud scream made its way into our eardrums. The hairs on my neck began to stand as I tried to balance myself on the tiles. Sans didn't even flinch one bit. I gazed at him, seeing his face going back to that carefree demeanor as if nothing had happened. Huh? He winked at me before putting his hands in his pockets. "I guess that's our cue, little bud," He muttered.

"What on earth are they doing on the roof?!," Undyne raised her eyebrow.

"Oh dear! Please be careful, My child!," Toriel cautioned. She was standing beside Alphys, who was fidgeting uncontrollably. I guess she was done packing her stuff in the ruins. Asgore stood silently, keeping his distance from the past queen, as if he didn't want to get her blood pumping. Simultaneously, a large magenta limousine parked in front of the skelebrothers' house. Mettaton, I assumed.

Everyone's finally here.

"Hang on, kiddo," Sans picked me up and placed me on his shoulders before jumping down on the second floor roof and then onto the snow. Surprisingly, It was a very smooth landing. He gently placed me down before being reprimanded by the Great Papyrus. The other monsters seemed amused as those two went about their usual argument. Papyrus doing all the arguing whilst Sans setting out his usual laid-back humor. Silly.

"Are you alright, my child?"

A soft white paw caressed my cheek before planting a kiss on my head. Toriel. My small hands tugged against her skirt, causing her to kneel down and get a closer look. I gave her the brightest smile that I could muster before giving her a hug, telling her that I'll be okay. Everyone stopped and turned their attention towards us. Toriel and I exchanged looks before turning back to them with excitement in our pulses.

"Is everyone ready?"

"Yeah!," They all shouted in unison. Each monster trailed behind us, stuck in their own excited conversations. We all bid out farewells to those who have chosen to stay. We walked through each district of the monster realm, a song or two being sung by muffet. It was a happy journey. Everyone joined in and before we knew it, we were all standing by the portal.

Seeing all of my friends happy together and knowing we'll always be safe with each other...

It fills me with determination.

I can't wait to get back home.


In a town not too far from Mt. Ebott...

There stood a comfortable wooden house in the middle of the woods. A gentle feminine figure sits idly by the fireplace, a picture in one hand and a silver locket in the other. Her only companion was the harsh cackling of the wooden planks as it slowly turned into flames. She stood up and walked out the door, leaving a note by the kitchen table. On her back was a big backpack filled with supplies and lots of rope.

"Frisk, I swear. I'll never stop looking for you."

-------AUTHOR'S NOTE-------

Howdy! So, it's been a year since Undertale first came out and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic about it.
It's been quite the adventure that has tackled our hearts. <3
Here's a little treat for you guys who enjoy our witty and puntastic skeleton!
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!

(For those who have not played Undertale, this may contain spoilers even if the story takes place after the game. Also, the upcoming chapters may contain profanity but I swear I will NOT put in SMUT or LEMONS. U crazy little perv.)

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