black engagement

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I sat on the luxurious sofa, staring at my husband who was staring emptily at the marriage agreement form , his lips a noticeable pale pink. In fact, his whole face had turned ashen white except from the stinging red handprint left by the redhead after she slapped him. The room was filled with an uneasy heavy silence as I studied the handsome living room decorated with expensive furniture. I bit my bottom lip and frowned at the floor as I recalled my maid’s advice about coming here.

“Pardon my rudeness for this thought, but mistress, surely it would shock him if you turned up out of the blue.”Rose commented as she filled my 120.0yd x 53.3yd bathtub with Cyprus aroma essential oil. I stared up sulkily at once but all Rose did was stared on indifferently.

“No, Rose…He couldn’t have forgotten me. He signed this agreement himself.” I grumbled stubbornly crossing my arms across my bare chest, the water sloshing at my movement.

“Yes mistress. I totally understand but…don’t let me say: I told you so. ”she warned almost teasingly and I sulked harder burying my head underneath the warm water so that this conversation couldn’t continue. There was no way Druce would forget me.

“Hey kid!” a gruff voice made me snap out of my trance and I blinked. Despite the frosty glare that Druce had given me, I felt encouraged by the fact that he wanted to start a conversation.

“What is it Hon-”I stopped in mid sentence as I watched the agreement form crumple in his fist. His face had turned dangerously grey and his usually green eyes had a fiery spark in them. A hard stab hit me in the heart and I felt my spirit sank as the paper was thrown to a side of the room. My body trembled uncontrollably and my saliva turned bitter. I faced him angrily in the face.

“Wh-Why did you do that!!?”I yelled outrages at this point.

Druce stared back at me, the hatred evident in his eyes. “Listen to me kid. I will never marry you. ”

“But we are married!!”I protested, sounding more whiny than I intended.

“How old are you again?” he questioned, a brow raised.

“Seventeen.”I replied with a duh in my tone. At this Druce grinned, rolling his eyes as if he was enjoying a private joke.

“Listen kid, I am thirty years old. That is a huge age difference, okay? That basically makes me your uncle.” He explained slowly as If I couldn’t understand English. “ and you’re not attractive enough either. You make me feel old!”

“But I thought-”I started.

“JUST GET OUT!!!”Druce roared, and a shiver ran down my spine as I flinched. I stared at him, sharply stung at his anger. I hadn’t expect this to happen. Druce used to be so gentle…what went wrong? I gulped, my head dizzy at the rejection. Tears filled my vision and I dashed for the front door when it was thrown open by a huge force.

“Hold this at once!” a familiar voice ordered and I blinked, immediately recognizing my grandmother. She was as usual accompanied by her butler, a masculine, bald man by the name of Jerry.

“Grandmama!”I squeaked at her sudden arrival. My grandmother’s deep blue eyes sparkled as she smiled adoringly at me. Druce leapt up at once, his knee banging into the low glass table.

“Ouch!” he muttered and I caught my grandmother smirking before I moved over to examine his foot. A dark blue bruise had begun rising from the affected area and my arm shot out to touch it when a hand slapped my fingers away.


I looked up into Druce’s cold eyes. “Don’t you ever touch me.”

“Enough is enough Druce. We all know about this agreement we settled on. I’ve heard enough from the listening device we installed in my granddaughter’s heels” my grandmother said sternly as I gazed down at my heels quizzically.

“We meet again Sasha. How long has it been?”Druce grinned at my Grandmother breezily, retaking his seat.

“You look much more mature compared to the last time I saw you Druce.” My grandmother replied, straightening up.

“You look better in Handcuffs I’d say.”Druce commented. At this, I stared at my graceful grandmother who avoided my gaze. What on earth was he talking about? How is it that they seem to be good friends?

“It surely was a once in a lifetime opportunity.” Grndmama replied stiffly. “Now, Druce…back to business.”

Druce’s amused look turned nasty. “Very well Sasha. Have a seat.”

My grandmother placed herself gently onto the sleek black sofa, taking the seat opposite of Druce. Jerry mumbled something, taking his position behind her.

“Sit down here my dear.” My grandmother smiled sweetly in my direction, gently patting the seat beside her. Obediently, I sat next to my loving grandmamma, taking in her sweet scent of rose.

“So then…Druce.” My grandmother started in a formal tone, the one she used when dealing with clients. “You aren’t about to break this promise. Are you?”

“I don’t think we have a promise, Sasha. I’ve decided against this stupid agreement. Once I was young but I am growing tired of this.”Druce shot my grandmother a sleazy grin, a lazy look playing on his face. I blinked, clueless.

“So you ARE going against it.” my grandmother growled, an annoyed expression coming over her face. Druce raised a brow daringly. “What exactly can you do about it Sasha?”

 I watched as my grandmother whipped out a tape almost too naturally. Despite the indifferent look on Druce’s face I noticed something hardening in his eyes.

“I recorded every one of them Druce. Amazing that someone like you actually have taste. You have a good eyes for girls” My grandmother commented, her eyes gleaming dangerously.

“Dammit Sasha. How did you get it?!”Druce rose from his seat angrily, furrowing his brow. Jerry growled and that made him hesitate. I parted my lips wondering if this were a good time for questions.

“Will you or will you not accept my granddaughter like a good son in law?” my grandmother questioned, a wrinkly hand place over my shoulder. “Or do you want to live the rest of your days being miserable?”

I watched as Druce forcefully gulp, his fists hardening as if trying to bottle up all the dangerous anger that was starting to bubble and boil deep inside him. His eyes had turned into a fiery gray. Then he looked up and spoke in a controlled tone.

“She will live under this same roof as said in the agreement. But I cannot guarantee any affections for this kid.” With that Druce recovered his posture and walked over to my luggage as if nothing had happened. He scooped up a few in his arms and headed for the hall. I watched as Druce’s back disappeared into a room.

“Go ahead Miette my dear.” My grandmother told me, her eyes still trained on the spot where Druce had disappeared only moments ago.

“What was that all about, grandmamma? You never told me that you and Druce were friends.” I said accusingly. Grandmama shook her head.

“You wouldn’t call us friends. We will chat about it next time my dear .For now you must go. ”my grandmother ushered me towards the hall as Jerry moved to the main door.

“But you heard Druce. He said…” My voice died away unable to say anything further. A warm hand caressed my long black hair.

“You love him don’t you?”Grandmama asked, her voice warm and soft like a sweet dream. I nodded, looking up into my grandma’s eyes trustingly.

“Then give him a chance.” She whispered. I nodded understandingly and watched on as she left the room with Jerry.

This was it…Wasn’t it? After all these years, I had waited so long for Druce and I to meet. As husband and wife…I shouldn’t start hesitating just yet. I’ll make him love me again.

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