Chapter 14

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Finally. I got the second key. I looked at the key. It was a beautiful silver key. I would've admired it if not for the circumstances. I quickly put the key in my bag along with the bronze key.

Okay. So I got two. But where could the last be?

But I already knew the answer. Home. It was the one place I don't fear being alone, and no doubt Genocide would want to destroy my safe haven. That and my home represented my family. The only people I fear losing. I looked at the sky, silently thanking the whoever was out there that my parents were at my Grandmothers house with Peter. And that they weren't here suffering with me.

I stared at the trail that would lead back to my house. I had to do this. For Terri.


I stared in amazement once I reached my house. I wanted to run in, jump on my bed and cry all my problems away. But what good would that do? I walked up the stars and opened the front door and entered. It was quiet. Creepy. Desolate.

I walked around the halls of my house jumping at the slightest sound. When did my house become so scary?

I searched through every single room only to find nothing. Groaning in frustration I made my way to the kitchen, I dropped my bag on the table finally feeling free without the weight of my bag on me. I stood by the sink feeling the cold air blow through the window, slightly calming my-- Wait.






I never left that window open.

My heart began to race in my chest as I snapped my head towards the window. There it was. Wide open. I quickly ran to the window quickly slamming it shut and locking it. Oh my God. I stood there craning my neck at nearly any angle to see if there was anything still outside.

Then. I heard shuffling behind me.

I whirled around so fast that I blurred my own vision. My eyes frantically scanning every nook and cranny of the kitchen only to find. . . Nothing. Well almost nothing. I spotted a small sticky-note, right next to my bag, that wasn't on the table before.

I slowly made my way towards the not. My heart still threatening to burst from my chest. And my mouth was dry.

It goes as follows:

You noticed the window? I have to say I'm shocked Amanda. You're getting better at this "lone horror movie survivor" role eh?

But you must ask yourself Amanda.

Did you just lock me out?

Or did you just lock me in?

I froze for a moment as I reread the last line. Oh shit. I looked up grabbing my hunting knife to see her standing there at the kitchen doorway. I stared for a moment, clutching my knife, my heart beating so loud I almost didn't hear her speak.

"Looking for this?~" She asked, her voice sounded soft. Like silk. She put her hand in the neck of her shirt as she pulled out a chain with a bright gold key at the end. She let the chain go letting the key rest on her chest, right above where her heart should've been.

(She was the final fear.)

"Give me that" I growled despite my obvious fear.

She laughed for a moment.

"Come take it."

Finally letting my anger take over I lunged towards her. I raise my knife planning to go for the kill. She grabbed my wrist and twisted it behind my back. She came close to my ear and said: "You lose."

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