Chapter 9

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Amanda's P.O.V

I froze in fear looking at the figure. Could it really be her. I didn't even dare call out for Mary. I couldn't anyway. I wanted to, but I was frozen.

The figure slowly started walking my way. My heart stopped. I wasn't ready to die yet. But instead of seeing a craze killer I saw my little sister Terri. And she was about to get an earful of profanities.

"What are you doing here Amanda?" Terri asked me. I could feel my blood boil. How dare she say that so nonchalantly! She nearly scared me have to death!

"No. What are you doing here?" I replied sharply. I was starting to get really pissed off now.

"I came looking for you. Isn't that obvious?" She replies. Her face doesn't show it. But I bet she feels really smug right now. That just made me even angrier.

"You need to leave. NOW. This place isn't safe for you." I retorted. I tried to say it calmly, like Terri does. But when I say it, it comes out like growl.

"Oh and I suppose it's safe for you?" She snaps back. Oh! That's is it! Time to bring on the rage.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Damn. I must've yelled really loud because next thing I knew Mary came running.

"What happened?!" Mary asked (more like screamed) as she looked between me and Terri. I was about to tell Mary to help me kick Terri's little ass out, be my dear little sister (please note my sarcasm).

"I found the killer's file. There's slot in here actually. Even her birthday's in here." Terri quickly informed us before I had a chance to tell. She held up the file and opened it. She handed us a few yellowed papers. I looked at the paper she gave me. It was an ultrasound of the killer before she was born. Oddly enough she had the same last name as my father. But Walker is a common name. But still. . . Something bothers me about that.

"Great! Thanks Terri. We really needed this." Mary suddenly said. Then she turned the me. "Let's get the hell out of here. All of us."

So we made our way through the creepy hallways, and back to the mangled lobby. Everything was fine until I noticed a new carving into the wood on the lobby desk. It said: WATCH YOUR BACK.

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