Chapter 1

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Amanda felt has though her whole world had just crashed around her. She had just gotten home after a regular day at school, looking forward to a nice home- cooked dinner. That was when her parents decided to through her a curve ball.

"Amanda", began Amanda's father. Amanda looked up from her plate and replied. "Yes"

"Your mother and I have been thinking about moving..."

Amanda nearly choked on her food. Moving! she screamed in her head, WHY WOULD THEY EVER WANT TO MOVE?! Despite still being in absolute shock she manged to breathe again but could still just muster enough strength to ask:


"I got a new job offer teaching at a private school in ClintWood, California--" Her father said, but couldn't finish since Amanda was fully taken over with her frustration.


Then her father spoke again this time his voice hard and firm, "Young lady you watch your tone. You will not disrespect me or your mother, do you understand me?"

Instead of responding Amanda angrily rose from her seat, left the dinner table, and stormed out of the kitchen. How do they expect me to be okay with the sudden "we want to move" stuff Amanda thought as she stomped upstairs to her bedroom. She swung the door open and slammed it shut when she got inside. She jumped on the bed and buried her face in her pillows. Come on! Amanda thought sadly, why do we have to move?

She was about to start crying when she received sudden text message from her friend Lisa. Thank God! A good distraction! Amanda picked her phone to read the message.

Lisa: How's it shakin' bacon?

Amanda smiled, it was just like Lisa to send a corny yet uplifting text without knowing it.

Amanda: Not good, the worst thing just happened!

Lisa: What! What happened!O-O

Amanda: I. AM. MOVING.

Lisa: WHAT?!?! WHERE?!?! AND WHY?!?!

Amanda: My dad got a new job at some private school in Clintwood, California, so we have to move it's so unfair!

Lisa: But I won't see you as much anymore, no more sleepovers, no more pranks, and no more hanging out... WAIT, DID YOU SAY CLINTWOOD, CALIFORNIA?

Amanda: Yes?

Lisa: A mass murder happened there a few years ago. A masked killer killed a bunch of high school students, and a few doctors and nurses that worked at an old Asylum.

Amanda blood froze. A mass murder? How does Lisa even know that? Amanda rose her shaking thumbs to her phone's screen and typed: How do YOU know that and is the killer still out there?

Lisa: Thankfully no, the killer was caught and taken an Insane Asylum the locals nicknamed Hysteria Hall.

Amanda: Alright thanks for all he info Lizzy, I gotta go bed it's 10:00 PM. Bye.

Lisa: Bye

Amanda smiled before putting her phone down. The town I'm moving to Amanda thought, Has an insane killer in it.

((I FINALLY decided to write my story, and I am REALLY excited! I hope you guys like it, and give me some ideas if you got any ))

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