Did that just happen

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After Victoria and Gabe kissed, they stepped back from each other, then leaned right back in for another kiss. After about twenty seconds Victoria pulled away. Victoria's emotions were all mixed, she didn't know if she liked Gabe, or if she wanted to wait. She turned around and ran up to her room. All she could think about was her kiss with Gabe. She was lying in her bedroom floor, when she received a text. It was from her ex boyfriend Justin. Justin had dumped Victoria because he thought she was flirting with Sadie's boyfriend, Julian.

Victoria was all of the sudden, happy. She no thought she maybe liked Justin again. She replied to Justin with a hard to get message. The party just ended and Victoria was watching a movie. All of the sudden there was a knock at her door. She went to answer it, and it was Gabe. Victoria wanted to just shut the door on him, but he said they needed to talk. She let him in and they talked to each other, just about themselves.

At two in the morning Gabe finally left. They talked about each other, then watched a movie. Victoria asked Natalie if she wanted to come over and stay the night together. Natalie and Victoria just talked to each other and went to sleep. At ten in the morning Amber came over, and boy didn't she look as mad as a rats butt.

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