3 Little Date

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It's been a month, everything is coming into place

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It's been a month, everything is coming into place. Zak has me wrapped around his finger. He's the sweetest guy I know. Always bringing me something and walking me to the car. I just love seeing him. I change from one uniform to another. I get in my car turning the music up loud. I drive to the gym. I enter the parking lot driving slow not to hit any kids. "Don't stop believing!" Zak sings the song I had playing . I laugh happily at him and turn down my radio. I park in the back. I walk in to see Zak smiling at me. "Hello, Miss Charlotte." "Hello Zak." I returned his friendly smile. "How are you today?" He asks me. "I'm doing very well. How are you?" I say politely. "That's excellent to hear. I'm doing well." He smiles at me. He is so handsome. "That's great." I walk into the office and get ready. I go to the bathroom and look at my reflection in the full length mirror. I'm getting big. Three months pregnant. I go out and start teaching class. Keep going Charlotte. My back is killing me. I finish their class and go teach my next one. Two more hours, you can do it. I call roll and see a hot a new student. She was very hyper and ran around. "Sweetheart, your going to have to stay here with me. I don't want you hurt." I tell her. She listens and stays still. I don't know if I can handle her. I try my best the whole class. "Ashley, stay with the class please." I tell her calmly. I fix the bars. My finger got caught between them. I quickly pulled it out and looked at it. It had a blood line running down the middle,and a turned purple. I shake my hand and bend in pain. "Ow." I hold my hand. "What happened?" Norman asks me as he comes over and looks at my finger. "Looks like you got a blood blister. Did you pinch yourself?" He fixes the floor uneven bars. "Yes." I shake it off. "You'll be okay." He tells me then walks away. I tell the kids what to do then help them. I can't endnote my finger. It's really swollen. I don't think it's a blood blister. After fifteen minutes I take the kids to get some water. "Miss Charlotte got hurt." Matilda tells Zak. His eyebrows scrunched up in concern. "What happened?" He asks me. "The bar pinched my finger." I shrug. "It's purple and fat." Matilda says as she sits in Zak's lap. "Purple ?" He looks ATM me concerned. I show him my finger and he takes my hand in his. "I think you sprained it. You got a tiny blood blister there." He points. "Yeah." I say as I listen to him. "Are you going to kiss it better uncle Zak?" Matilda asks him in a sweet innocent voice. He chuckles ."No, Miss Charlotte has to teach class." He tells her nicely. I take my hand and continue class. I Finish the class completely tired. I take a seat and catch my breath. "Tired?" Zak asks me as he gets Matilda dressed. "Very." I smile at him. I try to get through the next class with a smile on my face. I finish and go to the bathroom. Everyone has left except Zak. "Go on ask her." He whispered to Matilda. She comes up to me with a smile on her face."Miss Charlotte do you want to come to get ice cream with us?" She asks me. I smile and bend down to her. "I'd love to." I smile and look up at Zak. He had a big smile on his face. We walk out of the gym and go to the parking lot. "So where?" I ask Zak. "I was thinking this old candy ice cream place. I've never been here." He smiles at me and points to the ice cream place down the hill and across the street. "Okay." I smile. "I was thinking of walking." He smiles at me softly. We start walking down to it. "How's your finger?" He asks me softly. I look at it. "It's okay, it hurts a little bit. I can't bend it very far though." I say as I follow him. We make it to the hill and I look for the safest way down. Zak climbs down with Matilda in his arms. He set her down and looked at me. He walks up the hill and holds his hand out to me. I take it as I try to hide my smile. I climb down slowly holding my hand out for balance. "Watch your footing here." He tells me kindly as he grips my hand tighter. I climb down carefully and look up at him with a big smile. He looks at me with a small grin. He holds my hand as we walk down the street. He let's go when Matilda stepped in a hole. He catches her before she hit the floor. "Nice save." I smile at him. "Thanks." He smiles at me. We walk in and get ice cream. Zak gets cookies and cream in a waffle cone. I get chocolate chip mint while Matilda got a small chocolate ice cream. We sit down and eat it. "So you work three jobs?" Zak asks me. "Yes, the gym,Kroger ,and Starbucks." "What do you need all of those jobs for?" "I live on my own. It's very expensive for me." "I see,why are you on your own? Don't your parents help you out?" "No, my parents don't talk to me." "Oh I'm sorry. Did they kick you out?" He asks me confused. "Yes, long story. I'm not ready to talk about it right now." I tell him down. I still can't believe it happened. "I'm sorry beautiful. If you ever need anything I could help you." He tells me nicely. "You won't stay when you find out." "Try me." He says as he stares into my eyes. "I'll tell you later." I say as I look at Matilda. She was paying attention to us as she ate her ice cream. He looks at her and nods. "How old are you?" He asks me. "Twenty one." I answer as I lick my ice cream. He watches me and nods his head. "What about you?" I ask him. "Thirty nine." He eats his ice cream. So eighteen years difference. Not bad. "Are you on a date?" Matilda asks Zak. Zak looks at her shocked. "If this was a date you wouldn't need be here." He answered her. She had ice cream all over her face. I get up and get napkins then wet it with some water. "Here baby, wipe your face." I tell her. I'd do it but I don't want to cross the line. "Miss Charlotte do you have a boyfriend?" She asks me. Zak put her up to it I'm sure of it. "No, I don't." I smile at her. Zak noded his head as he licked his ice cream. "Would you like one?" He asks me as he looks into my eyes. "Yeah, I would." I say as I look at The ground. "Are you doing anything next week?" He asks me as he tilted his head to the side In thought. "No,I'm not." I try to hide my smile. "How about Friday? We can go to dinner or a movie." "Sounds good to me." I smile at him. "Good, I'll pick you up at eight." "I work until seven. How's nine?" "Better." He smiles at me. We finish our ice cream and exit. "Thank you very much Zak." I smile at him. "Your welcome sweetheart." He smiles and takes my hand helping me up the hill. I can't believe he asked me out!!! Wait until I tell Danielle. We make it to my car and he stands there looking into my eyes. "Are you gonna kiss her?" Matilda asks as she tugs on his pants leg. I chuckle at her, she's a trip. "No, that's rude." Zak answers her as he picks her up. "Why?" she questioned. "Because we aren't dating. I can't go up and just kiss her. " he explains softly as he kisses her cheek. They are so precious together. Zak shits my door then opens it again. "So what's your address?" He smiles at me. "That might help." I laugh. "Possibly." He laughs with me and takes out his phone. "Can I have your number as well Miss Charlotte?" He hands me his phone. I take it and put my number in it along with my address. "Here you go." I smile as I hand it to him. "Thank you. Drive safe." He closes my door and walks to his expensive car. I drive to my house smiling the whole way. I can't believe it. Zak wants to go on a date with me. "Rose, mommy has a date Friday! He's the most handsome man I've met. He's very sweet." I talk to her as I drive. I get out and go to my apartment and go to bed. I just hope gen doesn't leave me when he finds out I'm pregnant.

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