6 The Truth

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I stand in front of the mirror and look a thing my reflection

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I stand in front of the mirror and look a thing my reflection. I can't hide her any longer. I'm five months pregnant. I have felt her move and kick already. People are going to start to ask me. I take my phone out of my pocket and take a picture. Zak just doesn't understand how I work out all the time with him and am still big. Ugh Zak. I've fallen in love with him. I tried so hard not to get to attached but I'm head over heels for him. We've been dating for a month now and I've never been happier. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm crazy, he has caught me several times talking to my baby girl. He still is around me though. The guys and I get along very well. They are like my second family. I love them all so much. I lay on the bed and hold my stomach. I felt her kick my hand. "I feel you baby girl." I talk to her. "Mommy loves you." I smile at her. She kicks my hand again. I smile widely at her. My precious baby girl. I need to go to the doctor and get an ultrasound soon, I'm saving up for it. I think I just might wait and see when she comes out. I know she's a girl. I can feel it. My phone started ringing loudly. "Hello?" I answer softly.  "Hey baby girl, how are you feeling?" Zak's soft warm voice comes through the phone. "I'm better." I say softly as He did. "That's good, I'm glad to hear that. Are you going to be working tonight?" "I sure am."  "Great! So would you like to stay with me tonight?"  "I have work tomorrow."  "So, bring your work clothes oh and bring some fancy clothes. I'm taking you out."  "Zachary."  "Charlotte, please. For me." He ask me softly.  "Only for you." I sigh.  "Great!"he smiles so happy. He's up to something. I go in my closet and look for some nice clothes. "How fancy?"  "Very, like heels and nice dress fancy." He tells me. I pull out my fanciest black dress and try it on. "Oh lord." "What's wrong?" "Nothing, my dress doesn't fit anymore." I sigh.  "Have you been eating right when I'm away?"  "Yes."  "Your health is scaring me baby."  "You'll know why soon." I sigh and look at my stomach. "Why can't you just tell me? Don't you trust me?"  "I trust you."  "Then why?"  "I'm not ready. I've been stepped on to many times."  "I won't step on you."  "I hope so." I sit on the floor Trying to figure out what to wear. I pack my work clothes and grab a big black baggy dress. I grab heels and a nice blazer. I pack all of my stuff and get dressed for work. This shirt was tight on me showing off Rose. I get in the car and drive to work. I see Zak out front waiting for me with Matilda. I love them. I get out and walk to the front door. Zak looked at me with wide eyes. "Charlotte you have to tell me what's going on. Your bigger."  He whispered to me. "Do you have a swollen organ or some problems like that?" He whispered to me. I shake my head. "No." I walk in the door. He takes my arm and pulls me back yo him. "Charlotte, I care about you and I'm concerned. Please tell me what's going on. I'll take you to the doctor right now and have it fixed."  "You can't Zachary." I look down at the ground.  "Charlotte, your health is number one. I don't care about the money. Your more important." "It can't be fixed Zak!" I get upset. I start my class and warm them up. Zak sat with his arms crossed the whole time shaking his head at me. He thinks I'm going to die. Swollen organ is that even possible? Well that's one way of thinking of why I'm big as a balloon. I finish my first two classes talking to Danielle in between breaks. Last fifteen minutes of the last class. I get a drink with my kids. "You should be ashamed of yourself!!" A mom tells me. I look at her shocked. "Excuse me?" I say nicely trying not to lose my cool. "Is there a problem?" Zak steps in. "You are a disgusting pig! You should be ashamed of yourself! I don't want my child looking up to a person like you!" She tells me harshly.  "Whoa woah hold on. You don't talk to her like that." Zak tells her. "I can't believe you getting pregnant at such a young age! Your parents must be so ashamed!" She stands up and gets in my face.  Zak looked at me shocked as he realized my secret. "Charlotte, your pregnant?" He looks at me completely shocked. "You must be a fool not to know." She turns around at Zak and gets mad. I felt the warm tears rush down my face. "Your a slut." She whispered to me harshly.  "DO YOU THINK THIS WAS MY CHOICE!! Do you think that lowly of me?!? YOU DON'T KNOW A SINGLE THING! YOUR THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE ASHAMED! I WAS RAPED!" I yell at her upset. "You don't know how I feel! You don't know how it feels to wake up in some hotel room completely naked and sore. To have no memory of how I got there or where I am. You don't know how it felt seeing that test Be positive and not knowing who the father is. You think I'm going to abandon my baby your completely wrong. You don't know the pain of having your parents cast you out and want nothing to do with you! The only people in the world who are supposed to have my back cast me out!! I'm alone! Every boy I've dated ran out on me as soon as they found out!! You don't know the shit I've been put through. All the comments that were thrown at me. You don't know my pain!! You are the one who should be ashamed!! If it were still up to me I'd be a virgin." I say furiously at her. "You should have an abortion." She tells me.  "Hell no! Would you kill your kid out there doing gymnastics?"  "No." "THEN DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME MY CHILD SHOULD DIE!! You are cold!" I look over at Zak to see him shocked. He's done with me. I've just lost everything I care about. "Charlotte, go home." Norman tells me. I grab my things and rush out the door. "Charlotte!" Zak calls me. I ignore him and keep walking to my car. I get in and go to slam the door shut but he caught it. "LET ME GUESS YOUR DONE WITH ME!?! YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE ME ANYMORE RIGHT?" I yell at him completely heart broken.  "Charlotte." He rubs his face.  "That's not the case at all." He tells me and takes my hand and pulls me out of the car. I stand in front of him as tears ran down my face. "Charlotte, how could you keep this from me?" He says ever so calmly.  "Because I wasn't ready to lose you."  I look down at the ground.  "You think I'm going to run away because your pregnant?"  "You wouldn't be the first."  "Honey, I'm better than that. Charlotte listen when I say this. I love you. I know we have only been dating for a short while but I love you. I want to be there for you and your baby. I'll help you in any way I can." I look at him shocked. He wants to stay with me and help me raise Rosey. I hold my face in my hands not knowing what to do. I felt him hold me close and rub my back. "I know you've been hurt. I'm going to show you how a real man is supposed to act."  "I love you Zachary." I cry into his chest. "Look at the bright side. At least your not dying with a swollen organ."  "How did you not know?" I smile at him. "I honestly don't know. I was a real dumb ass. I thought you were fat and putting on weight."  "I know." I wipe my tears. He puts his hand on my stomach and smiles. "Your going to be a mom." He kisses my cheek. "Your going to be the best mom ever. Your so great with kids." He holds me close. I wrap my arms around him and smile. "Charlotte, I'll be there every step of the way."  "Thank you Zachary."   "I still can't believe it! Your pregnant!" He throws his arms up in the air. "You don't know how happy I am!! Your not dying!!" He hugs me again. He's so cute! I really want him to be the dad. Rosey could use a father like him. Zak calms down and takes my hand. "We need to get Matilda. I kinda left her in there with Danielle."  "Alright." I smile at him. We go in and get Matilda. She was on the bench watching Danielle. "You should be ashamed of even saying anything in front of all these children! Charlotte is the sweetest girl I know!" She whispered to the angry mom. "Danielle, it's fine." I sigh and look down at the ground. "No, it is not! She has been talking to much crap about you for weeks now and I'm tired of it!" "She can't bring me down." I say calmly. "You have a kid already." I tell her. "I'm married." She points to her ring.  "Charlotte will be too." Zak tells her. I look at him shocked as well as Danielle. "Not now but soon." He back tracks. I smile at him and grab Matilda's hand. "Come on sweetest. Let's go home." I walk towards the door. "Aunt Charlotte?" Matilda smiles up at me. I look down at her and smile at her. She called me aunt. "What is it love?"  "Are you going to have a baby?"  "Yes." I smile at her. I get her to Zak's car. "Is uncle Zak the daddy?" "I don't know sweetheart."  "Well you have to know."  "Yes, don't tell him though. It's a secret." I smile and buckle her in the car. Zak opens his door and gets in the car. "Call in sick tomorrow." Zak tells me.  "I can't." I tell him. "Please call in sick." He smiles at me. "Okay, I'm going to my house first."  "I'll pick you up after I drop her off."  "Okay." I smile at him. "Now come here and give me a kiss." He flashes a beautiful white smile. I go over to his side and he opens the window. I kiss him sweetly. "Aww." Matilda says in the back. I pull back and look at her. "Your not suppose to say aww." I smile t her. "He has cooties."  "Yeah boys have cooties." She laughs.  "Except uncle Zak. Uncle Zak doesn't have cooties." Zak smiles at her.  "Yeah." She smiles at us.  "Well I better get her home. I'll see you later beautiful."  "Alright. Drive safe." I kiss him real quick. "Bye aunt Charlotte."  "Bye baby girl." I open the door and give her a kiss. I shut the door and walk to my car. I get in and think. Zak wants to stay with me. He's not going to run away. I'm so happy nothing can take that away from me. I drive home smiling to myself. "He wants us baby girl." I pull in to see a massive moving truck speed away. My front door was open. No!! I rush out on the car into my apartment. Everything was gone! My couches,the fridge,the tv. I rush into my bedroom too see everything gone. I run into my closet to see my clothes still there. I race to my jewelry box I hide in my clothes. Still there. I run into Rosey's room to see the door still locked. I grab the key off of my key ring and unlock it. Everything was still there. I sit down in her room and cry. All my things gone!

"Charlotte!!" I heard Zak call out to me. I look up at him, full of sadness. "Are you okay?" He bends down to me. "They took everything." I cry.   "I know, I know. Get your stuff; they could come back." He stands me up. I look at her crib, upset. "So this is his room?" he says softly. "Her." I correct him.  "Have you gone to the doctor to check?" he asks me. "No."  "Alright, get all your things. I will not have you living here, putting yourself and your child in danger." he walks out of the room and into my closet. He grabs an armful of clothes. He then walks out to the car and puts my clothes in the SUV. I help him by taking my jewelry box and placing it in the front seat. I go back in and see Zak had all my clothes in the car. "Grab your makeup, shampoo, and stuff like that," he tells me as he goes into the shower. He comes out with all my bottles. I go in my drawer and get my make up. I pack everything in a box and hand it to Zak. We finish, and I go to Rosey's room. What about all her stuff? "Okay, so I called the police. They are on the way," he tells me. "What about Rosey's stuff? what if they come back and take her stuff?"  "I'll buy you new stuff for her,"  he tells me and takes my hand. "I will not have you two in this house any longer. I don't want to see you girls hurt."  "I wanna take her stuff."  "Tomorrow, when all this has died down." he tells me softly and holds me close to him. We heard knocks on the door and jumped. Zak put me behind him and stood protectively in front of me. "Police." the man at the door said. We walked out and talked to the police for hours or what felt like it. Zak finally drove me to his house.
"You're moving in with me." he smiles at me, trying to cheer me up. "Yeah." I bite my nail. All my stuff is gone. "Baby, It's just things. I'll buy you more things if you want. You're not hurt, and your baby is not hurt." "Your right." I sigh and look ahead at the road. We reach Zak's house and walk-in. Zak brought in all my stuff from the shower and placed it in his. "Get your PJs," he tells me. I grab my PJs and follow him. He walks into the bathroom and throws a towel over the shower. "Take your shower and try to relax." he tells me then walks out. I turn the water on and lock the door. I undress and get in.

I get out and get dressed. I walk out to see Zak on his phone, sitting down on the couch. "All better?"  "Yes." I smile at him. "Good." he smiles back up at me. I sit next to him and place my head on his shoulder. "Do you have names picked out?"  "Yes, Rosalie Marie Johnson for a girl. For a boy William Alexander Johnson for a boy. I love the name Charlie though."  "Those are beautiful. Did you know my middle name is Alexander?" he smiles at me. "No, I didn't." I smile at him. "Yup, Zachary Alexander Bagans." "You have a lovely name." I smile and lay my head on his lap. "It could be your name someday, too." he plays with my hair.  "I'd like that." I smile up at him. "Yeah, be engaged for a year, then get married," he says. "Yes."  "Little Rose can be a flower girl." "She'd be so beautiful." I smile. I felt her kick me. I think she likes that idea. she kept kicking me. "Let me see your hand," I say softly. He hands me his hand, and I place it was Rose keeps kicking me. She kicked his hand, and Zak's eyes went wide. "She's kicking!" "Yeah!" I smile at him. "Aw baby." he leans down and kisses me. "Charlotte, I wanna be there for you and Rose. Will you let me be there for you and be a father to her?" he asks me softly. I look at him, shocked. "You want to be her dad?"  "Yes, as long as you let me."  "I'd love that." I smile at him. He kisses me softly and pulls back. "Matilda was asking me in the car if I was the daddy." he chuckles.  "Yeah, she asked me that too."  "I know she told me. she said it was a secret that I'm the daddy." he chuckles. "How come she's calling me Aunt now?" I smile up at him.  "I might have let it slip. I'm getting way ahead of myself." he chuckles.  "It's fine." I put his hand where Rosey's kicking. We stay up and talk, then go to bed. Well, he wants us, baby girl. Your daddy wants us.

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