1 Crushing

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I arrive to work exhausted from the long day. Just three more hours miss Charlotte. I see a tall, dark, handsome man walk in. He had black hair that was spiked up in a very cool way, clean, beautiful ivory white skin, big broad shoulders with bulging arms. He had facial hair on the top part of his lip and his chin. He had a very badass presence about him. He walked in with a small girl behind him. I walked into the office, trying to avoid him seeing me. I grab my clothes and try to Sneak to the bathroom. I ran into a sturdy object knocking me to the ground. "I Am so sorry." The man tells me and holds his hand out to me. I take it, and he helps me up. "Are you okay?" He asks as he looks me in the eyes. His eyes were a beautiful blue-green. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry." I smile at him, letting him know I was okay. He smiled at me back. "I'm Zak." He holds his hand out to me. I shake it "nice to meet you. I'm Charlotte." I introduce myself with a big grin. "Does anybody work here? This place is empty." He asks me.

"I do. Give it fifteen minutes this place will get busy." I tell him nicely. He nods his head as he checks on the little girl. "Do I have to sign papers or something?"

"Let me change real quick, and I will Check."

"Okay." He nods his head and sits down by the little girl. I go to the bathroom and change into my work clothes. I look in the mirror to see my small baby bump. It's okay, sweetheart, just three more hours, and we can go home and relax. I walk out and see them taking a picture. I realize I got in the background. My bad. I go to the office and throw my stuff in my locker and grab a fresh piece of gum. I go to the computer and login in. "Okay, so what needs to be done?" Zak asks me.

"What's her name?"

"Matilda." He answers kindly.

"Last name?"

"James." I type in her full name to see she was on the computer for a free trial. "Looks like she's ready to go. Just needs to sign this waiver." I hand him the yellow waiver form saying she can be out on the floor, and if she gets hurt, they can't sue. He takes it reads it over then signs it. "Here you go." He hands it back to me. I notice he had a cross tattoo on his index finger. "Thank you. " I smile and put it in a file. "Do you know who her teacher will be?" I get up and look in the teacher's role books. 4 o'clock. "That will be me." I say to him.

"Alright, cool." He then walks away. He is very handsome. I think I have a crush on this man. I go out to the rod floor and set up. "She's your teacher, sweetheart." He whispered to the little girl. She was shy and hid from me as I looked at her. Poor thing. I finish setting up the floor and go to the floor beams. I squat, getting ready to pick them up and move them. 1 2 3 I pick up the big white floor beam."Dang!" Zak says as he watches me. I smile to myself and continue my work. I sit down, taking a small rest. Too much work for me now. I walk back to the office as the front door opens. "MISS CHARLOTTE!!!" One of my girls yells as she runs over to me. I bend down and catch her in a big hug. "Hi, baby. How are you?" I let go as I look at her.

"I went to Disney on ice!" She bounces from excitement. She's so cute, my precious baby. All my students are like babies to me. I'm a mother hen, I've always been a mother hen. Soon I'll see how well my parenting skills are. My other girls start showing up. I sat in the office when I heard a knock on the door. I look up to see one of my babies. "Go on, give it to her." A mother coaches on her daughter. I get up and go over to her. She hands me a small envelope. I smile and open it. It was a homemade card. "Did you make this ?" I smile at her. She beams up at me as she nods her head. I smiled and read out loud. "Thank you, Miss Charlotte, for helping me learn. Awww, Sophie, it's so sweet, I love it." I hug her so happy. "I'm going to hang it in my locker." I put it in my locker. "We made you cookies too." She hands me a bag with sugar cookies. "Awww sweetheart, thank you so much!" I grab them and gently set them down, then grab the book. "Miss Tinkerbell, are we starting yet?"

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