One Request.

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Patrick closed the door behind him. I ran over and hugged him trying to be as loving and all vcaring as possible.
"Hello Pat-Darling" I kissed him on the cheek with my chapped lips.
"Your chirpy today" He smiled and rubbed my face with his filthy hands.
"It's getting boring in her, can I have one or two requests" I asked slightly pushing his hand away.
"Depends what it is?" He said
"A screwdriver, to fix the computer and some art equipment, paper, paint, glue and scissors?" I asked ready for him to get angered.
"Ok" He said shocking me.
"Thank you so much my love" I said kissing him and closing the door as he left the room.

A few hours later he returned with the stuff I asked for. PVA glue, blue, red and yellow paint, safety scissors, paper and a screwdriver.

When he left I began to "fix the computer". I remembered something that happened me in one of our metalwork classes. We had to try make a flying helicopter toy but I messed the electrics up and I got shocked and was in hospital for a few days. I tried remembering how I did that and did it to the computer.

I then made some type of paper mâché block with the glue, paint and paper, I made six of them for every camera. I then hid the screwdrivers,scissors and  pencils in my underwear.I left a note on the computer saying "Turn this on, will explain everything" and I stuck the blocks on each camera and hid under the bed and waited for Patrick to return.

"Why the F*** are the cameras blocked" He said as he came in shouting.
"Stephanie?" He looked for me then realised the note. When he tried turning the computer on he got shocked, fell to the floor and started screaming in what looked like, really bad pain. I then jumped out and with all the strength I had started trying to push the pencils and scissors etc.. into his skin (to make sure he was in to much pain to get up). I then grabbed the keys, opened the door, locked it behind me and ran. I managed to make it out to a road with about three people on it. I ran as quick as possible to them and began to explain the story.
They didn't believe me and I could see Patrick about 200 metres away hopping and falling. He was gonna take me again. I had to get this girl to believe me.

She's Different, He liked Different//COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now