||Chapter 4||

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       4.A new chapter.

He needed to end an old chapter of his life in order
to begin a new one .


New beginnings are terrifying and exciting at the same time. But sometimes we need to do things that challenge us,makes us feel different.

Life without Madison makes me feel empty. Incomplete.Maybe because she was around me for so long I was comfortable with her presence. It's hard to let go. My Life is a series of unexpected events. But it's mostly my  fault I  chose to live in fairy tales and be a dreamer. But reality is a bitch and it can sneak in quietly and eff up your happiness.

I try to fill in my emptiness with every distraction I can find.I try to fill up my mind with the world of fiction.I try to believe that the world in the movies or books actually exist. I try to escape from the harsh reality.

I fill it with my friends happening lives and Courtney's stories about doing things for your self and taking a chance.I try to block my mind with the smoke coming out of Blake's cigarete.I try to enhale it.I want to be be like him.Why can't I be like him? Empty and broken.

He turns off his emotions like he was born to be cold hearted.Why does everything have to mean something for me? I want to be free and not feel anything. Be it Anger,jealousy or sadness.I just want to let go of this emotions.

Right now the perfect distraction was Cara. I have been texting her a lot.She seems really cool.I can feel that she is different. But I'm afraid to feel anything for her again.I know when I see her I'll do it all over again.Fall in love.Get rejected. Beg for her to stay. Pretend that she loves me and let her go.

I don't wanna do this all over again.I've been through this once.This time I'm not gonna make the same mistake.I just need to turn off my humanity.Be a jerk even though I may not pull it off that well. Maybe I should hang out with Blake more often. Maybe he can rub some of his I don't give a damn attitude on me.

I don't understand why I still hang out with these guys I call as my friends. Sometimes I fell left out. Alone and rejected. Even when I'm surrounded by my so called friends. I'm a lost soul who dosent know what he wants. I'm I so empty and desperate that I hang out with people I don't even like .Does every teenager feel like they need to be accepted by people who care a damn.

Why I'm here living this lie. Surrounded by these messed up souls.  Breathing the smoke that comes out of their joint. Looking at their designer clothes and fake laughs. Watching them live their lives .Why I'm I here looking at my Ex getting pleasured by a guy I call my homie. Oh! God why I'm I here.

"So she pretended to love you for so long ? How could she be so cruel ?" ,said Cara. She said it in a judgemental tone and took a bite of her Froyo .

We sat there on the hot summer sand .Watching the ocean rise and fall. Listening to calming tunes of Oliver Heldens.

" You know what matters Calli boy ? ",said Cara .

"Ya ?",I replied.

"You deserve a better girl in your life. Someone who isn't so fake .A girl who knows what she wants. I'm not saying I'm that girl. Or maybe I am but a guy like you deserves better. Maybe that's why the universe wanted you to break up with her."

I really needed to hear that. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you it's gonna be okay.

She put her head on my shoulder and ate her ice cream . I felt something I haven't felt for a long time  I felt comfort and hope. I don't know where this journey with Cara will take me .But this is an awesome start to my LA story and I choose to be happy .

The sun began to set and my worries began to disappear .The lonely night dawned upon us .I wasn't afraid to be myself because I had a girl who loved me for me and that was all I needed.


Hey! Fam ✋ I'm sorry this chapter is short .I hope you liked it.
Let me know in the comments section below who is your favorite character and why ?

Keep smiling always .

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