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to my sun and stars,

wow, that feels weird to write

and it doesn't feel so true this time

i just felt like it's appropriate today

i miss you, still

but the mirror is full

and i know who stands beside me

it's him

he told me that i won't have to let go of you fully if i don't want to

if i can't

because i don't think.. i love you as much anymore

there are still strings in my heart that tug at the thought of you but there are strings at my heart that tug at the thought of him, too

he told me i should think about it before we start anything

but i've been thinking about it for a while now, and i


i'm sure.

he makes me smile again, like another sun

another star

but he told me not to think of him as either of those things because he's not perfect

that neither were you

i understand that part, now

i understand what ms. pyo was telling me, now

time will heal all wounds but i can't rely on just thatㅡ i must put on a patch

he tells me that maybe i just feel this way because he was something warm to cling to in a world of frigid cold.

maybe it is

we'll see

but i am better, now.


are you proud of me?

i am.

but i have bad news, too

i think i might stop with these letters. it'll help me, i think, if i try and talk things out with actual people instead of letters that go nowhere except for the secret compartment in my wardrobe.

maybe it'll help me figure out who i am without you.

but i will remember you, and i will always remember how much i loved you in the moments when you held me and the sweet words you whispered in my ear as you did.

until we meet again,
your moon.

365 days.


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