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to jiminnie,

yoongi suddenly visited this afternoon

alone this time

he knows about what happened a month ago (i'm going to kill jeongguk)

and he wanted to talk to me about it

i got mad and tried to slam my door in his face but his foot got in the wayㅡ which must have hurt since i've got a pretty mean swing when i'm mad.

he talked to me

until it was dark outside and the stars blinked at us from the rooftop

i havent been up there in a while but when i told him it was your favourite spot when you came over he practically yanked me out there

he calmed me down from a panic attack (anxiety attack? i get those two mixed up all the time)

it was nice

he's nice

something tells me that yoongi's had more than his fair share of hardships, too

oh, and taehyung visited a few days before that to play study with jeongguk

they sing harmonies like angels

it's the first time i've heard him sing for hours on end with no pauses, even during your favourite songs

i want to thank taehyung

but i think he knows


287 days

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