Chapter 49- Identity

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                “Do you think the Queens should really sacrifice themselves?” Allegra questioned in a low, expectant voice. Artemis shook her head quickly, “It’s wrong.”

                Allegra laughed melodiously, brushing a mahogany curl from her cheek. “I really missed you, you know?”

                Artemis’s demeanor softened, “I did too. I- Why had I become like that?”

                “Fate always works in mysterious ways,” Allegra sighed deeply. “Look at what we are now… where we are… who we are.”

               It was puzzling, to say in the least, Artemis thought with a frown. She lifted her pale, lifeless hand in front of her eyes.

                “I want everything to go back to what it was before I changed,” Artemis whispered regretfully, “You should be living peacefully with Demetri.”

                Allegra threw her head backwards, inhaling. “I’d have never met Losse.”

                “Were you happy with Losse?” Artemis asked incredulously. Allegra nodded slowly, “I was.”

                Silence ensued. Allegra flexed her shoulders, “You had changed as a result of my death. Demetri had joined the royal forces. Both of you were living without trouble.”

                “Until the Devil’s tear came into the picture,” Artemis murmured. “You know something, Allegra?”

                “What?” She urged.

                “Even though we’ve been hurt, played with, and put through so much…” Artemis trailed off, and subsequently cleared her throat, “I don’t regret my decision of accompanying Rosy at all.”

                Allegra let out a playful smirk, “You met Alexei, too.”

                Artemis looked up in surprise, “What?”

                Allegra’s gaze was piercingly strong, “The way he looks at you is the same way Demetri does. Did you know that we’ve met Alexei before?”

                Artemis’s forehead scrunched up nervously, “We have?”

                Thirteen-year old Artemis and Allegra sighed, wiping their foreheads. Practicing Elemental magic wasn’t as easy as Demetri had made it seem. Both of the girls had trouble grasping the concept of manipulating their surroundings.

                They sprawled across the rich green grass, marveling at the cool breeze and warm sunlight that caressed their bare skin.

                Across them was a boy- who looked around Demetri’s age, fifteen- engrossed in a leather-bound book. Allegra’s mouth fell open. The sunlight glinted off his damp golden-blonde hair, and his sky blue eyes twinkled with excitement.

                As if noticing their stare, he looked up with a playful smile.

                Artemis was silent, and continued to focus her emerald gaze on him. Allegra nudged her in the ribs. “It’s rude.”

                “Who are you?” Artemis inquired loudly. The boy’s smile widened. “I don’t know. Who are you?

                Artemis’s mouth opened. “I’m Artemis Delara.”

                He shrugged, standing up. “My name is Alexon.”

                It was too late; the red-haired young girl was already deep in thought. She had been abandoned as a baby… but how had she survived with no one to care for her?

                Who were the Delaras?

                Who was she?

                Allegra noted the distress on her friend’s features. Artemis’s strong demeanor had flickered considerably.

She had never really found her answer, and she probably never would.

               A/N: Late chapter, sorry. Exams. :( I remembered that I'd never really explored Artemis's early life.. so I probably should before I forget again. ^_^

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