And with that last sentence, he brings the knife down-

-Right onto my right thigh.

I scream out in pain as I feel cold metal slice through skin, tendons, and muscle, as if I was nothing more than a stick of butter. It chips at bone before finally coming out the other side, impaling the table so hard it sticks to it like a thumbtack.

          My wide eyes stare up at the ceiling as pain beyond what I can comprehend burns deep inside me, gurgle-like-gasps coming out of my mouth as I momentarily forget how to breath properly.

Razim grabs another knife, quickly stabbing my other thigh. Still yelling insults to my deaf ears.

Pain. Pain. It's the only thing I understand right now, my foggy brain only making it worse. My screams painfully contained on the inside as my energy completely disappears.

Finally, after Razim's done a couple more. He stops.

Pulling one out.

I jerk my upper body as I feel the steel leave my skin, whimpers mixing with my gasps for air, my sweat drenched face contracting in fresh agony.

Slowly this time, he wiggles one out. Twisting and turning it with each small millimeter, agonizingly slow.

"How's that feel ALEX!!"

I jerk my head back against the table, giving a feeble cry as he gives it an extra sharp tug.

"S-stop." I gasp out in between breaths, my throat raw and scratchy from screaming so much.

I can't take the pain anymore!

Razim suddenly stops his progress with the third knife, looking over at me with a smirk. He faces his henchmen.

"Hear that fellas? The great Alex Rider wants me to stop." He teases.

He looks back at me, placing a bloody right hand up to his chin. "I don't know Alex, I rather like seeing you beg." He spits out.

He immediately goes back to working on the third knife. Twisting and jerking.

"P-please......S-stop." I feel blood dribble down my chin, my tongue and lips having been bitten several times.

Razim looks me in the eye.



"Stop!!" I shout while simultaneously jerking up into a sitting position.

I feel bile rise in the back of my throat as I repeatedly recall that nightmare, all the pain and fear I experienced washing over me once again.

            Quickly, I get out of bed, practically running out of my room towards the bathroom.

Locking the door, I manage to make it over to the toilet before I ever so gracefully throw up what little I had in my stomach.

I finish, curling myself into a ball in-between the toilet and the bathtub, my whole body trembling.

There's a fog in my head, eyes heavy, brain mentally exhausted.

After The End: Alex Rider FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now