Chapter Seven: Daddy's Back!

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As he gently poured warm water over her head, Cynthia began to think. He was so gentle, and yet this warrior was abused and still is. The thought of it all made her want to shrivel up and pray to the highest of gods. He needed protection. Cynthia wanted to give him protection. She had faith in herself that Levi would get what he needed from her.

    “You think to much”, Levi mumbled while messaging her scalp with shampoo.

    Looking up to him, Cynthia felt his thumb rub right above the corner of her eye. Some shampoo swiveled down near her eye, and he wiped it away. Levi’s hand was rough with callouses, and scars. His nails were short, just like Cynthias. Well, Cynthia had a habit of biting her nails, Levi’s were probably short due to fighting so much.

   Cynthia peered deep into those golden eyes filled with danger, and something she was unable to understand.

    “How did you know?” It was a reasonable question to ask.

    “Your eyes changed to the color grey,” Levi told her as he rinsed her hair, “Just like your fathers.”

    Oh, so he wasn’t focussing on her in that manner.

    “Do I resemble my daddy that much?”

    Levi chuckled as she referred to Drag as ‘daddy’ still. Kids these days.

    “Well, yes,” his hand went to her chin, “You have the same chin as him, cheekbones, mouth shape, smile, and fur color….”

    Cynthia slowly sunk down into the bath’s water after hearing fur color. Oops, Levi hit a sensitive subject.

   Only the outcast such as the Blood Moon Pack, had different fur colors. Pure wolves only had fur colors of black, dark brown, and rare occasions white. The Blood Moon Pack, on the other hand had the colors of bright red, auburn, platinum blonde, and light brown. Those colors were ones of the cursed ones.

    Levi carefully got up and went to go get a towel.

    On the other side of the forest Ari stood outside the Nallia Shan’s cave, also known as her mothers house. She was thinking about the first time she met Drag, and how their story went.

    The forest’s of Alaska were cleared of all the snow. The tall trees were tall and vibrant with color. As the spring arrived more animals came out. That meant little seven year old Ari was able to bring home animals! During the winter time she only brought home a few caribou. Since they were the only animals that were out and about.

    Today she was chasing after a little rabbit that just seemed to keep escaping. As the little prints led her deeper into the forest. Ari grew frustrated as she kept on tripping over her long white dress. Even though the other girls began to wear pants like men did, here she was stuck in a long dress.

    The tracks came to a sudden stop behind a bush. Ari got down on all fours and raised her butt into the air. Eyeing the bush she pounced with great force just like her father taught her. When she made it behind the bush Ari  didn’t find a bunny, but a pair of black leather loafers.

    Looking up she found a man with red hair, and silver colored eyes. His face wasn’t exactly handsome, but it was manly. His tall frame overshadowed her small one by a goood 3 to 4 feet. He held the bunny by it’s ears.

    Ari stood up carefully and wiped down her dress of the remaining grass and dirt. She craned her neck and far it could have gone and out stretched her hand,

    “I would like back my homeless bunny please.”

    The man’s eyes suddenly flashed a yellow color, and barked out a laugh.

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