Chapter 1:The Mutt, The Sin who I love

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     The phone began to ring in the small plain apartment. A young woman grumbled and murmured under the fleece blankets. Her long hand stretched out beside her and grabbed the phone beside her.

     “Hello”, she groggily answered the phone. It was her twenty first birthday last night, she wanted to be left alone.

     “Hi mom”, there was a long pause, “Yes, I’ve been working just fine. The photo shoots are doing well….I’ve been eating properly as well thank you. College has been going fine; Berklee has been pretty good to me so far. I’ve loved Boston ever since I was a kid! I love you too mom, but why are you calling me at…um…4AM?”

     The phone suddenly fell out of her hand and she was left speechless. She was able to hear her mother’s worried voice over the phone.

     “Cynthia? Cynthia!? Are you still with me?”

     No she wasn’t with her. She was planning a way to escape the horrid truth. Honestly, she just had her twenty first birthday, she’s too young for this.

     Recollecting her thoughts she picked up the phone.

    “Mom? Yeah, I’m still here. Just a little shocked you know cause I have freaking four years before this should ever happen! I’m…I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t have yelled. No mom, please don’t bite my head off, I’m too young.”

     After what seemed like an hour conversation they agreed to one thing. She had to get on a flight to Alaska and quickly.


     Between the ages of twenty one and twenty five the oracle of the tribe has a vision of who is going to mate for life. Every year she mates a total of eight couples. Depending on the situation the two bound together through fate are usually happy.

     However this was strange. The ceremony usually took place in December, not in the middle of February.

     ‘Why has fate change it’s course’. Cynthia wondered to herself as she exited the plane. She only took one duffle bag with her since her mother still had a lot of her stuff.

     Looking around for her mother she snuggled into her scarf. It’s been five years since she’s been here. She pulled the caller of her double breasted wool coat up towards her face.

     She spotted her mother instantly as they have the same blonde hair and violet eyes. Running over to her  Cynthia hugged her deeply. She’s been a nervous wreck ever since the phone call.

     It was now ten in the morning there. She could feel the air coming through her lungs. Taking in the silence and the dark.

     “My Butzne how are you”, her mother whispered to her keeping their language a secret.

     “I’m doing fine mom, just a little nervous.”

     “Butzne, I’m sorry to say this”, her mother started, “But we don’t have time to rest. Nallai Shan is requesting everyone at the ceremony grounds right now.”

     Cynthia felt the anxiety worsen. Everyone meaning the one hundred or so people who terrorized her for most of her life. Well, this is going to be just great.

     Getting in the passenger side of the car, she closed her eyes for an instant. The ceremony grounds were only a five minute drive through the woods. This was the only time where she will be able to get any rest.

     The grounds were filled with many selectable she-wolves from all around. Levi looked at every single one of them wondering to see if any were ready to mate.

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