Chapter 11 - "He took divide and conquer a little too far"

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"You honestly think that someone wants to kill me?" Stagg asks us as I type away on my tablet. After we left the station, Joe, Eddie and I arrived at Stagg industries to question and get any information that we could for the investigation. After a lot of persuading, Joe and I were able to speak to Simon Stagg in one of his warehouses.

"Well, we're not sure, Mr. Stagg," Joe replies. " But... An event you were being honored at was robbed at gunpoint. And your head of security was found murdered this morning." 

"I am a scientist and a philanthropist. We're not often the targets of assassins." Stagg responds and I can tell that this isn't going anywhere.

"Well...What about lawsuits? You got about 20 of those pending against you," Joe asks.

 "It is a sad fact of life, Detective, that when you earn a lot of money, people who haven't think they can take yours," Stagg says.

"Someone like Danton Black?" I ask. "Records say he was fired from your company and now he's suing you."

Stagg sighs. "Unfortunately, our working relationship wasn't successful, but I can assure you both of one thing. Danton Black... Is not a killer. He's a clinical researcher, not a criminal mastermind. Now, if I can help you in any way, please let me know. I want these people caught as much as you." 

"Then here we are!" Multiple voices call from the other side of the warehouse in unison before they pull their guns out simultaneously.

"Get down!" Joe yells and the four of us dive for cover as they start firing at us.

"Get them out of here, I'll cover you," Joe orders Eddie but I brush him off and surprisingly, he nods before getting Stagg out of there.

"Rani you need to get out of here!" Joe says as he fires at the gunman.

"Like hell I am!" I say before throwing a flash of lightning at one of the gunmen. It strikes him right in the chest and he's thrown to the ground. 

I sprint to the next aisle of the warehouse as Joe continues to shoot, trying to find something to fight with but instead, finding three more gunmen.

"I remember you," One of them says. "You're that pretty girl from the event."

I clench my jaw and get into a fighting stance. "You're gonna remember more than just my face once I'm done with you. Unless you want to back down."

The one closest to me pulls a gun and points it at the back of my head. "I'll take that as a no."

With the flick of a hand, I swat the gun out of his reach before he can shoot. I throw a kick at his chest and dodge a punch that was heading for my face. 

The other two gunmen swarm at me, but with every kick, punch or jab, I dodge, block and retaliate. But it's when they actually start landing some hits that I get worried. One of them throws me against the conveniently placed metal pole and I fall onto it hard. 

You know how sometimes when you're doing something and all hope is lost, you start to hear your instructor or teacher's voice in your head, telling you exactly what to do? 

I could hear Sarah Lance's and Oliver Queen's voices in my brain, telling me when to slide, punch, duck and tackle. One of the benefits of being trained by the Canary and the Arrow.

I jump on one of the men and use my weight to flip him to the ground, as electricity sparks along my fist. "Lights out," I say, before knocking him out with my charged hand. I hear muffled groans and more punching from one of the other aisle and I'm about to go check it out before a rush of wind and electricity whisks me away.

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