Chapter 22 - "Come and get it."

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Work on identifying my apparent electric twin continues for the next couple hours before I finally sigh and excuse myself from the Cortex. Something's been bothering me and I have to go to someone.

A very specific someone. A very specific someone who hates me with no real valid reason. Even Joe gave me a chance, what the actual hell Dr. Wells.

Anyway back on track.

"Deep breaths Rani, you can do this," I say to myself, before turning the corner and approaching the man in the wheelchair who does not trust me at all.

"Ms. Raymond?" Wells asks, surprised by my sudden appearance.

"Dr. Wells, I need to ask you something."

He sighs, "Rani right now is not the time, Bar-"

"It's about my powers!" I say, cutting him off. He wheels back around, a curious expression clear in his face.

"I'm listening."

I sigh, thankful that he didn't roll away. "The real reason I didn't come back quickly enough is because of...this." I roll my sleeves up and show him the gloves that Cisco had created.

Or rather what was left of them. The gloves were almost completely burned away at the fingertips and the mangled circuitry was giving off massive amounts of heat as it desperately tried to subdue the electricity within me.

Dr. Wells stares at the fraying gloves in shock, taking off his glasses in disbelief, muttering something under his breath. "You didn't come back because you were scared."

I nod. "A couple days into my stay at my aunt and uncle's and I'm finally able to tell them about what actually happened to me. They asked me if they could see what I was capable of. I-it was just going to be something small, just a little flicker at the ends of my fingertips. But I........ I underestimated the power that these gloves had been holding back and they combusted right in the kitchen I was in. I was able to stop the fire.......but not my powers. I couldn't come back until I knew I had somewhat fixed the gloves. Once I did, and everything was okay with my aunt and uncle, I finally took Barry's call and returned."

Wells nods thoughtfully before looking back up at me. "You could have gone to Cisco or Caitlin or even Barry about this. Might I ask why you came to me?"

I sigh again, starting to second guess my decision to come back here. "I know you don't trust me and you've got every right to think that. What I did in Starling will always be a part of me, Barry helped me see that so if you can't see past that so be it. I can respect that and I'll stay out of your way. But you're the best shot I have at fixing or at least controlling this."

"I see," He says before looking back out the doorway. Cisco's working on identifying the meta that took away Barry's powers and Caitlin is still where I left her, trying to console and calm down Barry. "It looks like our resources are elsewhere right now. Perhaps once Barry regains his speed, we can deal with your......dilemma, however, I believe this might just figure itself out."

"You're oddly confident about this," I respond, raising an eyebrow.

"Call it a good feeling," he responds a little ominously.

"Alright, I trust you Doc," I respond. "Thank you."

"Of course Rani." He says and I walk back out to the cortex, drawing a confused look from Cisco as I plop down on the chair next to him. "Everything good?"

I nod, still feeling a little nervous, but not nearly as fearful as before. "Yeah I think so, there was just something I needed to ask Wells. The fact that he actually listened which kinda surprises me."

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