The roof? Seriously?

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Dedicated to: ATHATAWESOMEREEF HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a great birthday :3


~ Class over ~

You packed your bag and slung it over your shoulder.

"Practice~" you called to Aomine as you walked out  of the classroom. You could hear him groaning loudly.

You joined Momoi in the hallway, walking beside her.

"Okay spill it," Momoi said. "What's going on between you two?"

"Who?" You asked innocently.

"Him, Dai-chan?" She rolled her eyes.

"Oh....." you acted as if you just realized. "Nothing," you grin.

"I will find out one day, [f/n],"

"Oh, I'm sure you will," you smiled sweetly.

~ In the sport's hall ~

"Okay, work on your weaknesses, like I told you last time," Momoi called. "Is Aomine here?"

"No," murmurs echo around. You sigh.

Sakurai walked towards you after everyone went to practice. "Yes, Sakurai-kun?"

"Sumimasén, [f/n]-chan, I couldn't get Aomine to come to practice, sumimasén, sumimasén," he kept bowing and apologizing.

"Okay, okay, stop, its not your fault," you grinned. "Now you go practice,"

Sakurai blushed beet red and stammered, "," then ran away quickly.

"Hey, Momoi-san, I'm gonna go look for him,"

"Okay, see you later,"

You walked out of the centre. "Where the hell would he go? Its so hot out here," you squinted and used your hand to shield your eyes.

"The roof? Nah, too hot. The sakura tree? Nah, too cheesy," you stood there pondering for a while. "Who cares, I'll just search the whole place,"

You looked for him everywhere, familiar with your surroundings.

"If he's really up there, then he's really stupid," you muttered to yourself. You opened the door to the roof.

"Aomine-kun?" As expected, he's sleeping up there. He opened his eyes when you climbed up the stairs. You sat down next to him.

"You didn't go to practice," you stated. He grunted.

"But I have to say its impressive you listened to all the classes," he just grunted again.

"And now I know why you're so tanned,"

"And?" He asked. (Finally)

"You're really stupid ya'know? Its so hot, and you sleep here? If you're gonna tell me you're baking yourself to a human cookie, I won't judge,"

"It's not the sun that's hot," he murmured.

"Then what is it?"

This is the moment where he lives up to his reputation. The whole school says he's lightning fast.

He leapt up and pinned you to the concrete floor. His face hovering above yours.

"What are you doing?"

"I am being a gentleman and shielding you from the sun,"

"Mmhmm, thank you great o' mighty hero," you said sarcastically.

"Don't I get more than a thank you?"

"What do you want?"

"I want a kiss, so can I kiss you?"

You have to admit you missed his lips on yours. "Hmm, I don't know, you tell me,"

"I'll go to practice," he exhaled. You stared at him more. "Everyday," he groaned.

"Hmm, good enough," you reached up to wound your arms around his neck and pulled him down.

He let you guide him until his lips touched yours. Then as if he's been possessed, he went wild, kissing you like there's no tomorrow.

*leaving you to your imagination*


Guys, I'm sorry, I'm about to head out soon, so I can't write more 😥😥 but still I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll update again either tonight or tomorrow. If I have time tonight ;-;



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