Forked brows

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"Ah, [f/n]-Chan, there you are," Momoi said, then she paused, "with Dai-chan in tow," she clasped her hands together in delight.

"Yeah...." you glanced back at him, who's smirking. Then he walked to the lockers room.

"Well, that's a miracle," Momoi commented.

You didn't say much, then you decided you didn't really want to see Aomine after all that just happened. "Mm, hey look, I gotta leave early, to meet Kise-kun, see you tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah no problem, have fun," she winked at you. You forced a smile and left quickly.

*On the way to the Company*

"Oh my god [f/n] what have you done? Ughh, you still have to go back remember? Stop doing these things, who cares if he goes to practice or not?" You buried your face in your hands.

"Umm, excuse me?" A voice asked.

You looked up and saw a guy with fiery red hair and a pair of forked eyebrows.

"The hell is wrong with your brows?" You asked. "Wait, never mind, who are you?"

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm [f/n][l/n], you are?" You look at him, irritated.

"You don't know me?" He slipped out in fluent Japanese.

"Uh.....should I?"

"I play basketball," he said.

"As do I, genius," you rolled your eyes l.

"Okay I give up, I'm Taiga, Kagami Taiga,"

"Hi, American?" You asked.

"Yeah I grew up there,"

"Buddies!!" You held up your hand for a high-five. He just looked at your hand.

"Okay then, no that," you started to put your hand down. Then he grabbed it and pulled you along.

"Wha--?" You didn't protest much, curious to know more about this stranger.

~Time skipeu~

He brought you to a fast food restaurant. He led you to a table and sat you down.

"You want anything?" You shook your head, then fished out your phone to text Kise.

He went to the counter. Then he brought a tray with a mountain of burgers and handed a milkshake to you.

"Oh," you took the milkshake from him. "Thanks," you took a sip. "How did you know I like chocolate?"

"You just seem like the type," he shrugged.

"And you're gonna finish all that?"you waved at the burgers. He nodded.

"So why did you come to Japan?" He asked.

"Studying abroad, obviously," you sighed.

"You dont seem happy bout it,"

"I'm not,"

"Okay c'mon cheer up, what do you like to do?" Kagami changed the topic.

"Dancing, singing, dancing, anything you can think off,"

"All that?"

"Yeah I was forced to at first, but then I found out its fun," you grin.

"That's amazing, I like basketball,"

"Kinda figured that out when I saw you, Seirin huh? Guess we'll see each other often,"

"You're....oh.... Tõo academy student huh?"


"You've met Aomine Daiki?"

"Yeah, why?" You frowned a but at his name. Still kind of regretting your decision.

"That dude is amazing at basketball, and I meant REALLY amazing,"

"Yeah I know," you glanced at your phone, no reply from Kise.

"Are you heading home?"

"Uh no, gotta work" you stood. He followed suit.

"Work?" He blushed.

"Oh god, still an American in that soul huh? Not that kind of work stupid," you laughed. Then you have him a friendly hug and ran out of the restaurant.

My light, my Aomine(Aomine Daiki x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя