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Let's call the thousand watt smile boy Bryan :)

(I've decided that going skinny dipping at a public beach is probs gonna get u arrested, so no naked people this time  Σ(⊙▽⊙a )

You and Bryan sit on the picnic blanket, staring at the others playing in the water. You stare into the distance, having lots of thoughts running through your mind.

"I wonder what he's doing now? Did he notice me? Surely not? I don't stand out as much here,”

You feel Bryan scooting closer to you, “So wanna tell me what's going on with you girlie?”

“About what?”

“Uh, how about what happened at the cafe, that's probably a good start? Who's the dude? Someone you know from Japan? You don't seem all that happy to see him,” he asked, waiting patiently for an answer.

“Wow observant much?” you rolled your eyes, chuckling.

“Leave it up to me to smell some juicy gossip from miles away, wanna tell me about it?”

You look away, somehow reluctant to share your story.

“Hey, it's cool if you don't wanna tell, I just feel like it's bothering you a lot, I promise I won't tell the others if you prefer it a secret,”

You hesitate a bit more, but end up wanting someone to share with, so you end up telling him everything.

"So.. you LOVE him?" Bryan asked.

You sigh, "Yes, No, Maybe? I don't even know,"

"Well, I guess this is something you have to figure out yourself, but it seems like you like him a lot, but why not just commit to the relationship?"

"I've... not been in good relationships before," thinking back to Jay.

"Oh," he paused, "but you might miss out of you keep running away, life is short (y/n), you can't keep running from everything,”

You just stared at the sunset, not saying a word.

"That was quite a heavy conversation, c'mon let's get you home," Bryan stood up and stretched. One hand reaching down for yours.

"What about the others?" You asked as you grabbed his hand, standing up.

"Meh they can figure it out on their own, I'm not letting them get my car seats wet,"

~Bryan drives you home~

"Thanks for the ride," you get off the car.

"Anytime, girl," he smiled, "But you sure you're gonna be fine?"

"I'll manage, thanks,"

"Okay, call me if you need anything though," he offered before saying goodbye and driving off.

You stared as his car pulled away, you slowly walk towards your house.


You whip your head around. Knowing who it was before you saw him.

“Daiki,” you breathed.

Emotions overwhelm you, you didn't know if it was panic or joy. Tears gather in your eyes.

Aomine stood there, right it front of your eyes.

“I finally found you,” he smiled softly, looking at you with tender eyes.

"Daiki," you repeated. Slowly walking towards him. He looked, rugged, as if he hasn't been taking proper care of himself in a while, with dark circles, a stubble growing, and looking like he hasn't bothered with a haircut for a long time.

He started walking towards you, arms outstretched, ready to catch you if you fall.

You fell into his embrace, tears streaming down your face, breathing in the familiar scent of his, you look up and cup his face between your hands.

"Well you sure look different," you sniffled, trying to tease him, smiling a little.

"Yeah? I guess this is what missing a person too much does to you," he admitted. Leaning his face into your palm, cupping his hand over yours and turning to smell you.

"God I missed you so much," he whispered.

Emotions overwhelm you again after hearing that, tears continue streaming down your face. Unable to speak.

"Let's take this inside? It's getting dark out," he suggested. Nudging you towards the house.

You nodded and leaned into him, letting him lead the way, suddenly feeling your energy drain out of you.

Aomine leads you to your bedroom, where you lie down on your bed, him following not long after.

"I'm sorry, for everything, I guess Mother got to my head, I just wanted to leave, I didn't want her to control my life, I-I-" You blurted out, crying as you explained.

Aomine hugged you, trying to calm you down, "It's okay, I found you didn't I? We can get through this together," he whispered while stroking your hair.

Your eyelids feel heavier with each stroke on your head, your breathing slowed as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

"I love you," you hear him whisper.

"I'm not gonna run away anymore, I'm going to face my fears, and I'm going to follow my heart," you decide as you slip into sleep.

(╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

Heyyy sorry for such a LONG hiatus, I wasn't originally planning to finish this, since I deleted wattpad, but some of your comments are so sweet I couldn't just leave you hanging.

But the story is probably going to feel more like an AU rather than closely related to the anime, that's why I didn't feel like updating, because I feel like it's drifting farther and farther away from KnB aside from the characters.

If you don't mind the AU storyline, I'd be more than happy to finish this book for y'all.  anyways peace out 💖💖

My light, my Aomine(Aomine Daiki x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt