He Confesses The Truth

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-Nagisa's POV -

Cold air surrounded us like we were the last two people on earth, which obviously would be far from the truth. Though I wouldn't mind in this particular moment.

My freeflowing hands were now clenched as shit. "Alright... here goes."

The moment the schedule was handed to me, I felt a sudden rush of worry flush over my body. Bullies.

That was the number one thing that remained implemented in my brain. Yeah, I did have a baseball addict as a friend, so I wouldn't be alone and giving them the perfect chance to strike me down. But our classes were completely different.

Karma was probably gonna be suspended for who knows how long. Even if he wasn't, which I highly doubt would even cross any adult figure's mind, we've kinda grown apart since last year.

Sweat trickled down my neck as I sat at my seat at this conference.

Soon enough, me and my mom left. She tried flirting with the councillor so I'd be moved up a bit, but that didn't work out in her favor. Thank God.

"Nagisa dear, could you grab some ingredients for dinner tonight? Thank youu," she said in a singsong voice. She didn't even give me a chance to answer, not that I'd be able to say no anyway. "Be back before I start worrying please."

I nodded, bringing my stuff with me has she handed me a mini list. It was a ton of shit though.

"Hey, isn't that kid the one from D-Class? The one who's gonna be transferred soon?" I spun my head at the raspy and unfamiliar voice.

"Where'd you hear that?" My knees were shaking as I was waiting for an answer from this second year jerk. I didn't have enough courage to say that to his face though.

He scoffed, the breath immediately floating away as he spoke. "Everyone knows. No one eavesdropped on you or anything, it was just completely obvious Nagisa Shota."

I furrowed my eyebrow. "That's not my name."

"Oh it's not?"

"That was sarcasm wasn't it?"

He nodded. "Listen, there's no need to be bummed out about it," he pulled me into him by pulling on my collar. "Lots of people are attracted to stupidity."

I gulped, wanting to punch the shit out of his smug-ass face. "Please let go of m-"

My head made contact with a nearby wall. "And if I don't?" A hot breath was on my lips as I felt hands on my wrists. Fuck. "Can you even fight?"

I stayed silent.

All I got was a scoff from the jerk.

Things similar to that happened almost everyday, each time someone doing it for a different reason. Whether they hated me or they hated my friends, they still took it out on me at school or really anywhere near it.

At the bus station.

In the bathroom.

Everywhere convenient really.

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