Euphoric Ennui, Is It Real

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I'm not a good person, I will admit that fully... but why the fuck do I keep getting tagged???

If anything, I'm legit shocked so many people know me then! So I guess it's a good thing???

Anywho, I was tagged by Yui_03 for some reason XD

I got clouded with too many notifications, so sorry if I couldn't do this sooner.

1. You cannot refuse. (FUUUUUU-)
2. If you break a rule, you have to post a video of you singing on WattPad as punishment. (But what if my voice causes major death/deaf? YOUR FAULT)
3. You have to do it on one week or less. (But what if my Wi-Fi decides to suck ass and-)
4. You must say 13 things about yourself. (The nostalgia)
5. You have to tag 15 people. (I write fanfics 24/7 and you think I have friends?)
6. No doing this on the comments! (That's one long comment)
7. The chapter must have a creative title. (Why was the first thing I thought of was cannibalism?)

Basically the jist. Let's get to it!

1. Currently, I've been binge watching all the different choices you can make in Until Dawn.

2. Along with my friend, we're writing a book together and we'll share it around and hope no one reports it XD

3. Waiting for the newest South Park episode on Wednesday is torture.

4. Waiting for the newest Assassination Classroom movie is even more torture.

5. If I tell you my favorite anime character, you can access my WattPad

6. Even though it's my most popular story, I honestly really don't like 'Not Everything's a Joke'

7. For some reason, I actually ship Nagikae but absolutely despise Karmanami.

8. I'm such a sucker for the childhood friends and best friends shippings.

9. RWBY's 'Mirror Mirror' is my favorite song at the moment

10. Despite my lack of stories, I actually have a lot of story ideas I wanna write, but I know no one will read them so I think I'll just turn them into fanfics LMAO

11. Being cheesy is one thing I stay away from while writing, so I even state it's cheesy when I think the scene is well, cheesy.

12. My YouTube account lost a subscriber :(

13. Team Popplio... I'm on Team Popplio

Woah, I actually took an hour to write this XD

Let's send some people to hell why not!

Half of these I know won't do it because their accounts are deactivated XD

Does that count as cheating? Whatever.

Btw, I'm sorry. I just tagged anyone I could find in my followings. I'm sorry XD

Here's the usual Karunagi fanservice... yeah. Life. But it's actually just a draft to an idea I had. Might as well post it now, right?


Summary: Things may have ended smoothly for both Nagisa and Karma in their paint war, but maybe it might not of.
If Karma's side would've won, how might their image of each other be as an aftermath? (Basically another Butterfly Effect story)

Just a sum up of what happened 'cause I'm too lazy to edit the entire thing all over again. Nagisa came out of his hiding place a bit too early, taking one or two participants out in the process.

He starts having fun doing the 'killing' and gets a little careless. Once he gets be a the flag and sees Karma guarding it, he tries to steal it, but gets shot from the back by Hayami.

I guess Karma feels bad about the blue team losing despite having kinda the upper hand? Then he tries to talk to Nagisa but the blunette feels guilty about losing cause killing's fun, ya' know?! Drama and all happens, the story is just all over the place. I don't think I'll do it.

No Normal TearsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora