He Loves His Best Friend

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- Nagisa's POV -

Is he stupid? There is literally no reason why I wouldn't want to go pack after we just exchanged saliva.

"Yeah, duh."

"Was that an obvious question?"

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

He shook his head no, his red hair swaying as he started to bend over and grab my wrist. Karma was practically pulling me by this point. Scratch that, he was. "Well don't just stand there."

"I'm not! You're-!" I fell into his chest again, my forehead having this burning sensation considering it was hard as a rock. Probably not the only thing though.


"Don't believe that for a second."

"Good choice."

Instead of being three feet apart from him when he was dragging me again, I stayed close, almost burying myself into his shoulder. Karma didn't seem to mind, and simply went along with it until we arrived to his living quarters.

"Woah," my words rang throughout the room as my peripherals gazed upon the room, the railings and corners of walls and tables decorated with ribbons, something very out of character for the Karma Akabane. "I never knew you fancied ribbons. It's, cute."

He laughed, his hand on my head as we just stared at his ceiling. "You think so?"

"Would I lie to you?"

"How should I know?" He shrugged, the hand on my head retracting so he could grab my wrist. "Wanna see all the other shit you've missed while you were away?"

"Yeah, okay." The tone of my voice had a hint of uncertainty, but I guess the redhead took it as a yes. He placed his hands over my eyes, darkness engulfing my vision. "Oh god, please don't show me a dead body."

"It's not. Not even close. Just walk before I drag you again," the sadist joked, slightly kicking the back of my foot.

With hesitation, I did as I was told and felt a cold wind surrounding me. He brought me outside, probably from the back door.

"Am I-"

"Before you ask, no, you're not gonna end up being dead either."

"Alright then."

Before I knew it, I was hoisted up onto his back, his hands not having to culvert my eyes because I shut them myself on instinct. "I fucking trusted you!"

"And you should still trust me. Open your eyes, Nagisa," he said, almost in a whisper.

"No. No. NO." I only hugged his neck, even though I didn't trust him that I wasn't gonna end up dead by the end of this. "Just bring me back inside."

The lack of a smart-ass remark worried me. He didn't even scoff or chuckle, just plain silence.

For some reason, that scared me more than if he simply dropped me on the grassy terrain. "Karma?"

"You know what?"


"I think I worry about you too much. You can handle this."

"Handle wha-?" I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence before he legit flipped me over, my entire back side soaking up the dew collected on the grass. "Oh gosh, why the hell did you do that?!"

Silence passed by again, my assumptions being that his words would penetrate the silence once he opened his mouth. Instead, he took this chance to hold my wrists down, his body facing away from my head so that we were kinda in a, head to head 69 position.

"Oh look, you finally decided to open your eyes," he smiled, not even acknowledging my question on why we look like we'd kiss if I wasn't on the grass soaking wet. "Nice."

"No, not nice if it was at the cost of my back. Why do I need to open my eyes anyway? I thought I came here to stay at your house, not on your lawn."

"Well then you thought wrong," he concluded, taking his hands off my wrists so I can cross them over my chest. "Did you forget what day it is?"

"I'm pretty sure our birthdays aren't even close to this month, especially mine."

"It's none of our birthdays."

"I know. That's what I just said."

"I know. It's February 11th."

Yes, that obviously answered the question. "Is it a holiday?"

"A national one, don't you know?" He flicked my forehead with his thumb and index finger, a jolt of pain saving into that spot. "I know we're in E class for a reason, but dumb you're dumb if you don't know."

I would've considered myself dumb as well if it didn't struck me in an instant. "Oh yeah, it's National Foundation Day. Holy shit I'm dumb." I'm struck with awe, facepalming myself while accidentally hitting his nose in the process. "Whoops, sorry."

"It's alright."

The sound of silence passed by us once more, the sound of our heavy breathing just becoming a distant hum when a loud blast coming from above chased away my boredom.

Karma turned his head to look at the sky, allowing me to do that as well. The leftovers of a firework that went off scattered the atmosphere.

"Woah, those are flipping beautiful." I was mesmerized by how vibrant the red fireworks were. The next ones to light up the sky were blue, but a much lighter shade than the actual hue the sky welded.

The redhead turned to look at me, my view being blocked once more. "What a neat coincidence."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "How so?"

"Well, red and blue are kinda exploding in the sky. You know, red and blue... exploding?"

"I have no idea what you're suggesting," I began, taking his face in my hands, "But I'm not sure if I like it or not."

He smiled, bringing his lips and overall face closer. "I think it's something you'll like."

This scene was nothing less and nothing more than a godly setting. Though, my back was soaked in dew, and it wasn't even nighttime, I still felt satisfied.

It was with Karma, how could I not be? Then again, I can't imagine doing this with anyone else but him to be honest.

We didn't stay outside in his yard for the entire period of time for the fireworks to begin and end. No, soon enough, I was under a blanket, with my best friend by my side.

Would I even call him that after this?

I don't know.

But if I do, well then, I guess I love my best friend. Way more than than I should, but I do either way.

I think I had a decent story. A bit of a crappy ending and climax, but overall, it was a'ight.


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