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Jon Pertwee (the martial arts doctor) was a very iconic figure to Doctor Who. He had four main companions who I will include in my next Doctor Who information story. Now let's get on with the stories.
All Pertwee Stories :
Spearhead from Space
Doctor Who and the Silurians
The Ambassadors of Death
Terror of the Autons
The Mind of Evil
The Claws of Axos
Colony in Space
The Dæmons
Day of the Daleks
The Curse of Peladon
The Sea Devils
The Mutants
The Time Monster
The Three Doctors
Carnival of Monsters
Frontier in Space
Planet of the Daleks
The Green Death
The Time Warrior
Invasion of the Dinosaurs
Death to the Daleks
The Monster of Peladon
Planet of the Spiders
After Katy Manning (Jo Grant) left the show after 'The Green Death' and Roger Delgado's (The Master) death in the summer of 1973, Jon Pertwee decided that it was his time to leave the show. In 'Planet of the Spiders', the Brigadier and his new companion Sarah Jane Smith witnessed him regenerate into Tom Baker.

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