I fucking hate everyone, they're all bullshit.

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My life is a joke. I get it. 

They kept on telling jokes that hurts. They don't even think twice before talking bullshit.

They're probably thinking I should've end somewhere like a pile of shit or something.

They didn't even say sorry. I'm trying so hard to not fucking cry and just

i mean

seriously they just fucking did it. 

not a fucking sorry?

they don't even fucking do. 

what if it's them? They'd feel the same.

you humans keep on thinking, "we're humans. we're the same. If I can handle this shit, then you can."

wtf. Everyone's mind and heart are fucking different. We're human, same in race but different in our fucking minds and heart. 

If there's anything I would like to have is burning the whole human race down to ashes, sending them to hell where they all should belong. 

I don't fucking care who I burn. Friends or Family or anyone. It doesn't matter. I don't want to respect another asshole in my life. I don't even want to try caring anymore. 

they don't fucking know why the fuck I keep lying

hate studying

hate listening to rules

I'll just throw my fucking future away and all. 

You all do want to see me suffer.

Then I'll fucking do what you all want. 

Suffer, throw my future away, cut my skins, stab my skins, burn my skins and put salt on my wounds

what else? strangle to death? fall from a building? Drink detergent? Drink Acid? Suicide bomb? Impale myself with a fucking knife repeatedly? They all look fun. 

I'm tired of using mask and all

smiling and all

I don't want to fucking look weak

but words hurt more than knife would.

Art book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant