Season 3: Episode 13: Witch Hunt

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-Enchanted forest-

"So your the famous Flower Enchantress?" Little John asked walking up beside Azalea's horse. "I don't know about famous in a good term, but yes. I am the last one." Azalea said looking around at the forest around her, she was feeling better from whatever had happened earlier with the green magic. She had fallen asleep against Robin, and when she woke up he insisted that she stay on the horse while he guided the group from the front. Little John taking his place. "So you lived on your own for awhile?" Little John asked, he was curious. If he had the timing of the events right she would have been only a child when her family died. "I did. when The Dark one first came into my life, but then a few years later Snow and I found each other, I have been with her ever since." The teen explained. Azalea looked over the group, she and a few of the Merry men were at the front of the pack while Snow and Charming were in the back. "So she adopted you?" Little John asked. Azalea paused, technically no. The Charming's never adopted her, which was probably how she ended up living in her own apartment in Storybrooke when the curse hit. And she had though about it before...but she never let the thought linger for to long, why hadn't the Charming's adopted her? "No, I am just a bum." She said with a fake smile, trying to make light humor. "Oh I'm sure that isn't true, the Royal family seems to care a great deal for you."  Little John said. Azalea didn't say anything, at first, then she looked ahead and saw that a little boy in the group had walked a bit of ways ahead. "Who's boy is that?" She asked. "That's Robins boy. Cute as a button isn't he?" Azalea agreed, stopping the horse and jumping off. Against Little John's request she gave her horse to an elderly woman who was getting tired from all the walking. She then walked up the trail a bit to walk beside the young boy. She started to pick flowers beside the trail and the boy watched her. "Hello, what's your name?" She asked the boy. He was silent at first, watching the teen as she tied the flowers together in a circle. "Roland." He finally said as she turned to him. "What a name! Mine is Azalea. Would you like this?" She asked, handing him the flower crown. "What do I do with it?" He asked, looking at it with confusion. "Here," Azalea said, putting it on his head. "I'm a king!" He said, taking a stick off the ground and swinging it around like a sword. "Now I have a crown and a sword." He said with a grin. "That you do." Azalea said walking along the path with him. It was a little gesture to thank Robin for taking such good care of her when she had felt ill.

-Snow's Pov-

Charming and I were walking with Regina, talking about her plans to use the underground tunnels to go under the spell around our castle when a loud shriek filled the air. Everyone looked up to see a flying monkey circling our group from above. Charming pulled his sword out while I got my bow ready, a few of the merry men in front of us also getting ready to fight the beast as it flew down, Charming swung his sword, but missed as the monkey flew another direction. "Incoming!" Neal shouted as he pulled me and a few others to the ground, the monkey missing us as he flew over our heads. I looked up and saw the beast flying to the front of the group. "Roland!" Robin shouted. I gasped as I saw Azalea pick up the little boy, getting right in line with the monkey's attack. "Azalea!" Charming shouted, to far away to do anything. But Regina was close enough to hit the monkey with her magic, turning it into a stuffed toy. It fell to the ground with a gentle thud and I stood up, running over to Azalea with Robin behind me. "There, not so scary now is it?" Regina asked as she picked up the toy and handed it to Roland. Robin ran over and picked his boy up while Charming and I pulled Azalea from the ground and hugged her tightly. "Thank you." Robin said, turning to Regina. She smiled, as she looked over the little boy then turned to Azalea. "That was foolish, covering that boy from an attack." She said, although she sounded more relieved that the teen was okay then upset. "I couldn't just let the monkey hurt him, apparently you couldn't either."  Azalea said with a grin as Charming and I hugged the girl. 

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