Season 2: Episode 3: Lady of the Lake

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"Why do I have to go to school? I should be helping with the search for missing people." Azalea said as she and Henry were being walked to the bus by David, dressed in their school uniforms. "Yea! I wanna help you find my mom and Mary." Henry chipped in as David held in a sigh of frustration. "Henry, I don't want you near all this magic. It always comes with a price, and Azalea, you can't over-work yourself trying to find everyone. You have already found five missing people wondering the forest... we still live in this world, and in this world people your age legally are binned to go to school." David said folding his arms and looking at the two. "So I'm taking a break from work by going to school?" Azalea asked, folding her arms and raising an eyebrow at David. He nodded, smirking at Azalea as she sighed in her own frustration. David knew that the girl didn't particularly like school, but his hands were tied on this one. Plus he knew where both of his kids would be at all times, giving him some much needed relief as he focused on trying to find a way to get Mary and Emma back.  "Where is the logic in this?" Azalea asked before turning and walking over to the bus stop where other students were waiting for the school bus. "Henry, I promise I will find your mom and Mary, but I also need to know that you and your...aunt are safe. The best way to do that is by making sure you and Azalea go to school." David said. Henry nodded, then turned to look at Azalea who was adjusting her flower crown. "How will you know that Azalea is safe? Now that everyone knows who she is again aren't you worried about Mr.Gold? Or other evil people trying to use her magic for evil?" he asked. "...If you kept an eye on her during school that would be very helpful to me." David said, knowing that Henry would be less likely to sneak out of school if he gave the boy an 'important job'. He also knew that there were many adults at the school who now knew that there were two royal children in their building. David had instructed that there be guards set up around the school, and everyone knew that David expected Henry and Azalea to be protected in his absence at the school building. It was a bit of the reason that David was being so persistent on sending his kids to school, he knew they would be protected there. He knew that if Mr.Gold didn't hold up to what he said and tries to get to Azalea, she will be protected. David sent the boy over to the bus stop. He watched as his two kids stood together with a few more students in school uniforms and smiled, before going to work at finding a way to get his wife and daughter back.

-Enchanted Forest, Granny's house-

"Snow has sent word for you." Azalea looked up from Granny's garden as the woman walked over to her. "She has? Has something changed with the war to get the kingdom back?" Azalea asked standing up. "It seems so, I can't tell if it is good or bad. But Snow and Charming want you delivered at Charming's mother's house by three days time. Were getting guards ready to escort you now." Granny said as the two walked into her house. Azalea had been hiding out with Granny and a few guards ever since the war started against Regina on taking back the kingdom. Azalea was such a target that Charming and Snow though it was best to keep her hidden with Granny till the war was won...or over. "Why do you think I'm being sent there?" Azalea asked Granny as she started to quickly pack up some things in her bag. "I'm not sure, but Snow said it was urgent." Granny said with a shrug of her shoulders. Azalea simply nodded before continuing to get ready for the journey. Part of her was excited to finally be able to leave Granny's home, she had been there for so long. Another part was worried about what Snow needed her for, and hoped that no one was hurt.

-Storybrooke, School-

Azalea sighed, her chin rested in the palm of her hand as she looked out the window. It used to be normal to sit in this boring classroom. Now, knowing who she really is, everything about school just seemed boring and unneeded. Azalea looked up at the teacher and saw him writing a math problem on the board. She slowly slipped out the flower book from her backpack onto the desk and opened it in her lap, pushing the math book up a bit so that it covered the teachers view. She looked down at the book and flipped to the chapter her mother had written on location spells. The one that she was using now was working just fine, but maybe she could find a way to locate more than one person at a time, maybe channel her magic into more than one flower. The town could have a team of people searching the forest for missing people. That's what Mary would do...Azalea bit her lip, she missed Mary. They had just found each other and now she was gone again. Azalea knew that she was only so focused on finding people to distract herself from her own sadness and worry over Mary and Emma. As long as she was helping, it didn't matter. "What do you think the answer is Azalea?" Her head snapped up as the teacher looked at her with folded arms from the front of the classroom. "Um....." She said, a blush burning her cheeks as a few class mates snickered around her. "Try being a little more focused okay. Every student in this classroom is a student before their identity from the Enchanted forest got it?" The teacher asked, addressing the whole class. Azalea nodded along with the other students, her blush burning her cheeks as class continued.

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