Season 1: Episode 21: An Apple Red as Blood

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Henry looked around as Emma drove down the road. He was confused, what was his mother up to? He looked into the back of the car and saw some suitcases and boxes. "What is all that?" He asked Emma. "All my stuff, all I need." She said. "Wait, were leaving Storybrooke now?" Henry asked. "Uh-huh, I'm getting you away from all of this. Away from Regina." Emma said looking at the road. "No! No, stop the car. You can't leave Storybrooke! You have to break the curse." Henry said. "No I don't, I have to help you." Emma said, refusing to look at her son, keeping her eyes on the road. "But your the hero, you can't have to help find Azalea she's still missing." He said. "Henry I know it's hard for you to see, but Azalea has left town. She's not the first kid from foster care to do it and she wont be the last...there's nothing I can do to help her now. I'm doing what's best for you. That's what you wanted when you brought me to Storybrooke." Emma said driving further and further towards the road that lead out of town. "But the curse- your the only chance everyone has at their happy endings." Henry was desperately trying to talk his mother out of the crazy plan she had formed. He saw the sign that said leaving Storybrooke and he panicked. Henry grabbed the steering wheel and jerked it sideways, the tires screeched as the car swerved across the road. They both screamed as Emma slammed on her breaks going off the road. The car stopped and Emma grabbed Henry's shoulders. "What were you doing?! You could have gotten us killed!" She said. "PLEASE! Don't make me go!" Henry cried. "We can't go! Everything is here! Me, your parents, your family...please Emma they need you! Your family needs you...Azalea needs you, you can't give up on her!"

-Mr.Gold Workshop-

Regina stormed into Mr.Golds shop. "I need to have a word." She said walking up to him as he stood behind his desk. "What do I owe the pleasure, my fair queen?" Mr.Gold said with a smirk. "My tree is dying," Regina said holding up a rotten apple in her hand. "Why?" She asked him. "Bad soil?" Mr.Gold said polishing something in his hands as he looked up at the angry mayor. "Fine, pretend like you don't know. I know that it is a sign of the curse weakening because of Emma." Regina said. Mr.Gold nodded, as if agreeing with her. "Why aren't you more alarmed about this?" Regina asked. "If the curse breaks everyone will be just as mad at you as they will be me..." She said folding her arms. "That's not the only thing your worried about is it?" Mr.Gold asked her. "Come on, get everything off your chest while you can." He said putting down the things in his hands and walking to the front of the desk. Regina scoffed and looked at him. "I don't know what your talking about." She said. "Henry," Mr.Gold said. "Ms.Swan wants Henry." Mr.Gold said as Regina rolled her eyes. "She will have that boy over my dead body." Regina said. "The curse was meant to take away Snow White and Prince Charming's happiness. Perhaps you giving up Henry is just the prince to pay to keep the curse un-broken." Mr.Gold said with a shrug "I think I would just rather get rid of Emma." Regina said mater of factually. "Well well, you are going to have to be quite creative. We both know the reproductions if killing Ms.Swan...the curse would be broken." Mr.Gold said. "That's because you designed it that way. Undo it." Regina demanded getting in Mr.Gold's face. "You know, even if I wanted to I couldn't, because I don't have any magic in this realm. Unless you would happen to have a flower enchantress sitting around somewhere that has magic I have no way of doing what you want me to do." Mr.Gold said. "For the last time I don't have Azalea, she is either hiding or dead." Regina said smirking at Mr.Gold. "But- if I did happen to know her location...I would be willing to strike up a deal." Regina said as Mr.Gold's smirk turned to a frown. It was silent as Mr. Gold seemed to think deeply. "Unfortunately I'm not interested." He finally said. "What? Not interested?! That girl has been on the top of your interest list since you shoved your son down a portal!" Mr.Gold exhaled sharply before replying. "Sorry to say that you don't have anything that I am interested in at the moment, but I will give you some advise free of charge...I would start planning a trip away. Because once people start waking up and see what you have done to them. They are going to be looking for blood."

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