Bad porn and naughty novices

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"Come on Aria please say yes. You are the oldest here, when you are with us people think you are our guardian and leave us be". Mia, a girl 4 years younger than Aria and in her last year in the convent school were looking at her.

A lot of the girls had been forced to go there to learn how to behave like ladies, they didn't really care about breaking the rules, and now a small group led by Mia wanted Aria to go with them to some bar to meet some boys.

Aria didn't like breaking the rules, but she did enjoy getting out in the world just a little, especially now, when she was only a short time away from taking her vows and becoming a nun.

And she didn't believe in forcing anyone into this life. So she understood the younger girls wanting to rebel against the strict rules and their urge to be like other girls their age, as they hadn't chosen this life.

"Okay okay, this one time, but you will behave. I will not see anyone kissing or worse with those boys, only talking". She looked at them strictly.

The girls agreed, even though she knew they would be kissing those boys if they got a chance, they would find out soon enough that men could never be trusted.


"Have you seen those women over there in the corner Tom ? Not bad at all, maybe we should go introduce me" Ben was pointing discreetly at three very sexy women.

It was early in the evening, and they were sitting in a bar, some of the local crew had recommended it as authentic.

Tom was sitting in his own thoughts. They were really close to the church and the convent, and his mind kept drifting to the angel he had seen this morning.

"Uh oh yeah, I guess they are kind of hot". He said absentmindedly. They were sexy, but he actually preferred women to look more..well innocent and sweet.

Ben sighed. "Are you still thinking about that girl in the convent ? For God sake Tom, get her out of your head. She is going to be a nun and she is way to young for you anyway".

"Haven't you heard Ben, girls in catholic convent schools are the most naughty kind of girls". Tom winked at him.

Ben shook his head grinning. "Oh shit Tom, you have seen way to much bad porn".

"What on earth is bad porn ?" Tom looked at him like he was crazy and the both broke down in fits of giggles.

Ben looked over at the door as it opened. "Well you can test your thesis now, cause I think those girls are from the convent".

Tom turned his head to see four girls in demure white dresses enter the bar. "Fuck you Ben. I might like them young and innocent, but I am not a freaking pedophile. Those girls are barely legal". He slapped Ben on the shoulder.

But then he saw a fifth girl enter, it was his angel and he nudged Ben with his elbow. "It's her Ben, it really is her, my angel".

"Please don't Tom. First of all you might get in big trouble and secondly you will scare the poor girl. She is definitely not used to the likes of you". Ben grabbed his arm.

Tom looked at him. "Way to make me sound like some scary fucked up freak".

"Well you kind of are and you know it Tom, don't deny it. A girl like that, she might never have been kissed. If you got your way with her..oh lord, she would think you the devil". Ben said with a smirk.

Tom smiled a mischievous smile. "Oh but to a girl like her I am the devil, planning to lure her from her path of abstinence and show her to enjoy life to the fullest".

"Oh Lord give me strength". Ben looked to the ceiling and shook his head, looking like he was waiting for God to smite them.


She went into the bar, feeling a bit out of place. Feeling like men where looking at her in ways she didn't like. The demure dress was to avoid this, but for some men it seemed to turn them on instead.

Aria vent over to the four girls. They were already sitting in the corner giggling, waiting for the boys.

"Oh my God Aria, did you see who is sitting at the bar ?" Mia grabbed her arm looking really excited.

Aria turned and looked at the bar. Her eyes getting caught in a pair of beautiful bright blue ones, it was the two men from this morning. She looked at Mia. "Who are they ? They look familiar".

"Oh shit Aria really ? The one with the dark hair is Benedict Cumberbatch.. Sherlock. You should recognise him". Mia said like Aria was some kind of less evolved being.

She looked at him again. Oh of course, now it was quite easy to see. She had just been looking to much at the blue eyed one to notice. She had actually seen Sherlock, they were allowed because the mother superior was a fan.

"Yeah of course, Sherlock, don't know why I didn't see that right away. Who is the other one, the one with the piercing blue eyes ?" Something about his face was drawing her eyes to him.

Mia giggled. "I can't believe you don't know Tom Hiddleston. Seriously we are in a convent not a cave on top of mount Everest. He plays Loki in Thor and Avengers".

"Haven't seen those, mother superior thinks them to be un-religious and bad for young minds". Aria answered.

Mia was looking at the two men in a way Aria thought she was way too young to do. "Uh he is so sexy, don't you think so ? I would definitely fuck him if I got the chance".

"Mia ! First of all you shouldn't be wanting to do that with some stranger and that one is way to old for you, he has to be at least 30". She said shocked.

Mia giggled. "Well actually he is 35, but I wouldn't care, he is hot and he is famous".

"And he could literally be your father. I certainly hope he has better judgement than that at his age". She said, glancing toward him.

Finally the boys they were waiting for showed up. There were 6 boys in the group and one of them tried to flirt with Aria, but she just got up and went to sit at the next table. She didn't want to talk to or flirt with boys and especially not someone younger.

"Why are you sitting here alone ? Shouldn't you be with your date ?" She heard a deep warm voice, with a thick british accent. As she looked up the man with the blue eyes was standing right in front of her.

She looked at him and answered in english. "None of them are my date. I am only here to make sure the girls don't do stupid things and to get them home on time".

"Well I am happy to hear so. Those boys are way to young for a beautiful woman like you anyway". He said sending her a dazzling smile.

She might be studying to be a nun and have no interest in men, but that didn't mean she couldn't see that this one really was exceptionally handsome to look at, with a charm that oozed from every pore.

"I have no interest in any boys or men no matter what age they have. I am going to be a nun within a month, so I am kind of engaged to Jesus". She said with a small smile.

He made a funny little laughing sound, something like ehehehe, his eyes getting little wrinkles at the sides, which actually only made him more attractive.

"Oh that is going to be a hard man to compete with I guess. Luckily I think I got some tricks he has never heard of". He said with a wink.

She blushed. She wanted to get angry with him. He shouldn't be saying something like that, but she found that she couldn't. There was just something so sweet about the way he said it, that she found herself smiling.

Corrupting an angel (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now