Chapter 3: Time Has Come

Start from the beginning

Time was very fast.

After closing the door behind you, you turned around and saw Tifa sitting on the bed as she looked out the window. "I thought you won't go to bed again."

"I just thought that it's not good to sleep on the grass. It's raining outside, for your information," you said as you placed your sword into its own sheath and put it down on top of the drawer, sitting on the bed next to her, yet she was still facing the window. "You must be overthinking again, huh?"

Tifa went silent, then slightly shook her head. She turned around and gave you a warm smile. "(Y/N)," she said, her voice very soft, "be tough, alright? Be. . . be ready."

You stared at her, confused of what she was saying. "Ready for what?"

"For tomorrow. I'd like you to wake up early. Time has come."

"Time has come?" You raised an eyebrow. "I. . . I don't understand." You recalled of what Cloud had told you earlier. He also said the same thing and you didn't understand as well. "Tifa, you guys have started telling me weird things. I really am confused. What are you up to now? A prank? As far as I know, April is still next month— "

"It's not time for joking, (Y/N)," she closed her eyes, cutting you off. ". . . You'll understand, once you found out. I tell you once again, be careful. And, have faith in yourself." Right after telling you those words that have completely confused you, she turned away from you and laid down on the bed. You were about to say something but you held it back. You sighed and also laid down on the other side of the bed and turning away from her. The dark room filled you with naïveté and confusion. Soon your lids went heavy, then your eyes fluttered close, only seeing nothing but complete darkness.

*   *   *

You woke up the next morning to the sound of chirping birds outside. Their beaks knocked on the window which made you startle but you shrugged and sat up. You yawned and then turned your head to the right.

Tifa had probably waken up early. You sat there for a while and zoned out a little, thinking of Tifa and Cloud's words that floated inside your head last night. They were totally out of their minds, you thought, chuckling to yourself and then going out of bed. You fixed your messy hair for a bit and then got out of the room. You realized it was still dark and the sun hadn't risen yet. You glanced at the clock attached on the wall at the end of the hall. It was four o' clock in the morning.

You yawned and walked downstairs. The staircase creaked as you stepped down. You thought the rest were still sleeping, but you found yourself wrong when you saw all of them gathered in the living room. You looked at them in confusion, "Why so early?" You finally reached the end of the stairs then walked towards them.

Red XIII turned towards your direction and since your voice was soft, you probably thought he was the only one who heard you. "She's awake," the red creature said and immediately everyone glanced at you. You felt nervous since they were all staring at you, but you felt relief washing over you when Tifa stood from the couch and walked towards you. She gently took your hand and ushered you towards the couch. Both of you sat on it as the others settled in.

You heard footsteps from the stairs and realized it was Yuffie who panted a little, then sat beside you. She nodded at Cloud who was still standing, "The kids are still asleep."

Cloud sent her back a nod. Suddenly his eyes darted on yours which made your heart skip a beat, but they looked away immediately.

You cleared your throat. "What's going on?"

They all looked at you. There was initially silence which you thought they wouldn't answer, but Vincent crossed his arms, "You might be confused. But I guess Cloud and Tifa had already let you know."

Your eyes widened. Was he referring to what they said to you yesterday? "Y-Yes," you answered even if you weren't sure if Vincent was actually pertaining to that.

Soon silence filled the room. You felt uneasy again.

The door opened, and a young lady came in. You were startled of what just happened but you stood up and was awestruck of the person standing before all of you. Everyone bowed except you because you were confused, but you still bowed in embarrassment. Once everything was settled, you stared at the lady again and you didn't know what to say.

"Greetings, milady," Tifa gave the female a gentle smile, whereas the lady gave her the same in return.

You looked once again at her and realized that she had a pair of bodyguards standing behind her. Her hair was blonde, and her eyes were as blue as the gentle skies. Her skin was very fair, and her figure was that of an elegant woman. She wore an ancient-like and long, white gown that made you think that she didn't live here in the city of Edge.

A hand was set on your shoulder and you looked to Tifa. Her eyes were always those of gentle and happy ones, but now they were filled with loneliness. You didn't know what was happening.

The blonde lady spoke, "I must say that the time has come. Is she ready?" She turned to Cloud, who took a deep breath and looked away, nodding slightly. The female looked at you while you looked back at her in return, and there was something odd that went through you. "I am Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, from another planet called Eos. I have come to summon you back there. You must be very confused of what is happening, but do not fear me. Your time has come to be a Chosen One."

"Ch-Chosen One?" You repeated vaguely.

"Yes. But do not fret, I understand you are deeply full of naïveté," she said. "(Y/N), welcome to a new world, that will definitely change your life." She closed her eyes, and now the strange feeling you had went stranger, your sight blurring and you felt dizzy. Luna's voice spoke, "Farewell, and be careful."

You wanted to scream, but no voice came out of your mouth. You couldn't see anything. Your stomach churned as you felt a force throw you in various directions, allowing you to get dizzier. You felt as if you wanted to vomit so badly.

Darkness lured into you, and all of a sudden a bright light casted out the darkness.

Your ears alarmed. Voices cheered around and you were astounded of the rowdy crowd settled in the arena. The sky was blue and the sun shone brightly, the heat making your glands sweat. You felt something different and you realized that you were no longer in Gaia, as what you recalled the lady called Lunafreya had said— you were now in the world of Eos.

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