Tied by Strings-Chapter one

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Fragment chp 1

Tied By Strings

Chapter one

Yuki stood in front of the large gated city of Konoha, simply staring at the large structure used to protect the city and its people from a possible attack. Her usual aqua blue eyes shifted to a molten silver seeing the future of the city. Large clutters of pictures flashed inside her mind one after another too fast for a regular person to understand, but having honed her foresight since birth she could easily interpret its meaning.

Her eyes shifted to their normal color once the images where gone. Unfazed by the vision that passed Yuki proceeded to enter the gates that opened themselves as a guard had spotted her.

"Hey there little girl. What are you doing alone?" A guard leaned down a little with a soft smile at his face. He had brown hair that poked bast the bandanna he wore on his head.

Yuki who was small in height was also thin and had soft white porcelain skin, her large eyes added to her doll like appearance. Her bright mint blue kimono made her stand out in a crowd of people, as did her long, snow white hair that was in two braids, both with a gold hoops at the ends.

Silently she dug into her backpack and retrieved the scroll she'd been given. She showed the symbol of her village to the friendly man.

His eyes widened seeing the symbol. His wide eyes mixed between amazement and shock darted from her small face to the symbol.

"I need to speak with the Hokage." Her soft emotionless voice gripped the guards attention.

"R-right this way!" He nodded hastily and led Yuki to see the Hokage.

"He's right in here." The guard had led her to the large door of the Hokage's office. On the way Yuki had reviewed a lot of curious stares from her clothing, not that she really noticed.

Yuki nodded in which he took at a message to leave. Instead of knocking Yuki simply pushed the door open disrupting the meeting that had taken place inside.

The ninja that were gathered inside looked at her curiosity. An old man sat in the middle of the room, his skin was tanned and wrinkled from age and his beard was as white as Yuki's own hair. The man's head was also covered by a large hat.

"I'm sorry little girl but I'm a bit busy.." The old man, who Yuki assumed was the Hokage, smiled in apology.

"I don't have time." Yuki kept her gaze on the Hokage her tone as lifeless as ever.

"What kind of tone is that? Show some respect to the Hokage." A large muscles man with multiple scars on his face glared coldly at Yuki who simply stared at him with a neutral expression.

The Hokage watched Yuki as she seemed to express no emotion and walked with an empty look in her eyes.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" The Hokage spoke up curious as to who she was. Her face unfamiliar to him.

Yuki walked to his desk and handed him the scroll she'd been given by Yamamoto. The Hokage's eyes narrowed into the symbol of her village his eyes drifted from the symbol and studied Yuki.

"You are from the sun village?" He asked in a monotone voice.

"Sun village?" The scarred man gawked at Yuki, his earlier glare gone. "That's impossible! They were wiped out years ago!"

"It's true. We no longer exist in the current world of the hidden villages. Only five monks of the temple survived at the time. And I am also one of the survivors. The scroll will explain more on the situation." Yuki motioned to the scroll in the Hokage's hand with her eyes.

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