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Last night the leaders injected every one with "trackers" a.k.a the simulations. Those that do not go under we know are Divergent. Hopefully Four reaches Tris before she comes out or she maybe killed.
I watch as everyone marched out like Zombies. Them not knowing they are moving and doing things against their will. Max stands next to me watching the crowd push forward.

"What our orders, Max," I ask.
"To kill the abnegation. They keep getting in our way. If they are taken out than Erudite can lead," he says.

"I already know that Max. We went over this in our meeting a hundred times. Im asking what will we do now," i say.

He stares at me.

"I forgot you could not go to the last meeting, because the Erudite stole you for test," he rubs his face.
"We put them on the train and head to the abnegation village."

I nod my head. He than tells me to follow the second group out. I follow the group noticing that Four is in it. As i watch the group I slowly notice Tris trying to make her way to the front. I watch them knowing their little secret.

As we get off I grab Four tell him to try his best to keep acting as if he is under the simulation.

I leave to find Eric and Max. It took me a while but when I find him. By the time I find him, Eric is holding a gun to Four and Tris's head. I walk over in time to see Tris pull the gun on Eric. Tris shot Eric's leg. They end up running but caught again. Eric is taken away to get his leg taken care of.
Max drags Tris and Four to meet Jeanine. I follow and watch Four get dragged away while Tris is forced to execution.
I am told to go follow Eric and make sure the idiot recovers nicely.
I rather push the bullet deeper into his leg. He does not deserve to kill Four just cause he had a hunch he was divergent. Even though his hunch was right. What a nose.
Eric is in the infirmary at base, he is knocked out. I get informed that Tris has escaped. I know where I have to go.

I slip out of the infirmary to go to the simulation room where Jeanine and Four is now at. She keeps injecting him with different drugs to see how much of the simulations he can with stand.
It seems she has finally got the formula right for him cause now he just stares blankly in the distance. I go to the back room and start looking at cameras.

I see Tris has made it here. I know I can't be seen so I leave before there is any conflict.

I leave to the infirmary just in time to see Eric awake.

"Well, well the idiot is awake," I say with a smirk.

"What the fuck, I got shot in the leg. Why did they knock me out," he asks.

"Max wanted a fast recovery, he has job for you. Im here as your babysitter basically. So is the little baby okay," I say grabbing his cheeks and pinching them.

He slaps my hands away and swing his legs over the bed. He tries to stand and stumbles and falls face first.

"I would just stay in bed if I were you," I say.
He pushes himself up and turns to me scowling.

"Aren't you going to help me," Eric says.

"Who would help you," I say laughing.

He reaches out for the bed and slips again. I reach out a hand and help him up, but he was pretty heavy.

"What the fùck have you been eating? Concrete," I say, putting him back onto the bed.

I hear gun shots and Erics sits back up.

"What the fûck was that," he says.

"Probably Max being pissed off about something," I say as I grabbed a syringe.

I plunged it in his leg and he looks at me shocked. He passes out after that. I laugh as I get up knowing Tris an them only escape route is the train tracks.

I make it there and just sit and wait, knowing in ten minutes they should be out here soon.

Finally after waiting what seem like an hour they came running out. And dont tell me it was only ten minutes. Im impatient I cant help it

They jumped on to the train and I joined them.

"You guys leaving or staying some where safe," I ask.

Four looks surprised when he sees me. Tris is right next to him, you can see she had been crying.

"I have a plan," he says grabbing me by the arm.

He whispers his idea to me and I am a bit taken a back by what he said.

I mouth mother to him, and he nods. That was his back up plan. For now he said he will be willing to stay with the candor. I nod my head and jump off the train heading back towards the infirmary where I know Max will be any minute now to check in on Eric.

I walk into see Eric still passed out with drool going down the side of his face I laugh. That is when I hear a scream. I follow it to find Jeanine holding down her hand walking down the corridor.
I run to her acting extremely worried.

"What's wrong ma'm," I say.

"Can you see there is a hole in my hand," she screams at me crying as she cradles her hand.

I see a slit that looks like you can insert a coin in her hand. I walk her to the infirmary as she steadily sobs. I knew first aid pretty well but i also new this was going to need deep cleaning.

A idea hit my head. Might as well make her suffer. I cleaned up her wound with alcohol and opened up the wound to look inside. She kept asking me where the numbing medicine was and I kept telling her cowards only use numbing medicine. Her answer was," I am a coward."

Eventually I stuck her with the same stuff as Eric and she passed out. A fee minutes later Max walks in.

"Ray, thank God you are okay," I laugh inside my head. Only if you knew i thought.

Max checks on Jeanine to make sure she fine. Than he tells me other people will be coming soon. Some for ice, some for serious injuries, and some just to identify cause of death.

The casualties were not as immense as I thought it was. I just new it was going to be hard Identifying every last one of them.

Max tells me to wake up Eric and drag him to the office and let Jeanine rest. Its pretty interesting to say i woke Eric up with some pretty nasty meds.

"What the fûck happened," he asks me.

"You passed out from the needle I stuck in your leg. Is little Eric afraid of needles," I say.

"No I am not. Why hell are you still here," he asks.

"Max told me to drag your ass to his office, duh," I say.

I grab him by the ear and start to pull.

"What the fuçk, let go," he says.

After taking several steps.

"Oh, look your up," I say smirking as if I didnt know he stood up as soon as I pulled his ear.

We march over to Max's office. As we enter I notice him rubbing his temples. I really did love Max. He basically raised me, but he also betrayed me.

"You are finally here," he says giving a pointed look at Eric.

"I just woke up,"he says.

"Hows the leg," Max asks.

"Better," Eric answers.

I sit do in the chair in front of Max's desk and Eric finally joins me. Him and Max discuss there plans while I listen intently. They know they need to find Tris and Four.

They already know where they might be heading. I had to be ready to tell Four right away. Eric slaps my feet off of Max's desk when I put them up and I punch him. Max just glares at the both of us almost as if we are his own kids.

Max repeats his plan of talking to the rest of the faction to find Four and Tris. And I know one faction will protect because they only believe in truth. And that Candor.

"We will continue this tomorrow," Max says.

I nod my head and walk out the office and Eric follows.

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