16. Penelope

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Penelope POV

"We weren't expecting you until next week." My husband hugged me

"I know its an unexpected arrival. I have heard very bad news from my wolves that Logan is recruiting villages of werewolves to start a war with Alvaro," I sighed and rested my hand on his.

"I'm really worried about the kids you know. This is going to be hard for them to see that you're alive and you. You. We lied to them,"-

"William please pull yourself together it will be fine," I cupped his face and gently rubbed against it. He loves my palm against his cheeks after all these years and I finally get to see my husband.

I remember that day I left after having my last child Elisamarie. It was a decoy to get me out of Logan's hands and start fresh at my home town Dai'glo'dai'heal. If I had stayed any longer there would have been a war, because Logan would want me dead because of how close I was to finding out about him (which I have).

It all went wrong when Logan had caught me researching possibilities of freeing Teodora from the darkness, there was a way to leave Teodora without being harm by other werewolves. Logan had the council brainwashed by his slippery lies that got the people of Teodora to believe him. At one point William believed him but I got him to snap out of it. Once I got away from Teodora I restarted my research with little help of what was left of my research after Logan got his hands on my files.

I have been dead for about thirteen years. I came to Alvaro's earlier then what was announced because Draven and Siar will be in trouble because like fire, the news about Siar finding his secret mate was about to get Logan closer than we would have suspected.

"Excuse me ma'am Sir Alvaro would like to see you and Sir Teodora," My assassin request.

I nodded my head for Alvaro to come in.

"Hello Mrs. Teodora finally I get to meet you," He kissed my hand and belled.

I smiled at him," Nice to meet you too Sir David Alvaro, it is wonderful to meet the heroic Alvaro."

"This is my wife Kyla Alvaro," He introduce his beautiful wife

"Hello," We said in sync and kissed each other on the cheek

We took our seats on the round mahogany table which had mahogany chairs surrounded with red cushion seating, they were so soft and comfy.

"Is it true Sir Alvaro that Logan is your long lost brother," I asked

"Well yes...I was very shocked when I heard of his existent after so many years. He's been trying to kill for quite sometime but then that stopped...a few months back I met your son and he reminded me of the assassin Logan had once sent for me a long time ago so I thought he was Logan's man," David explained

"We need to keep this a secret do not send out any releases out. We need to get to the bottom of this and the last thing we want is the media twisting stories," I spoke

"Both of our sons have been very popular in the media lately," Kyla said

"So we need to lie and say that they are not together anymore...This news has gotten so far around the world it is interrupting peoples lives. We need to keep our kids safe from any threats especially Logan,"-

"We can't control what is going on in the media," David interrupted

"However we can David we won't answer any questions from media outlets and if any one of our publicist speak they will face punishment," Kyla warned

"We need Siar and Draven to stay low for a while all this exposure will lead Logan right to the doors of Alvaro," I said

"How do you know he doesn't know where our sons are?" David asked

"David! All those calls that journalists have left on our publicists phones! They want answers big answers that we cannot talk about...we will have to leave them out to dry till the gossip is over," Kyla sternly spoke.

"Darling I think you need to see the kids now...Draven has suspected Kahlal in the woods he sent me a message," William spoke.

I closed my eyes and realized that one of my betas had let him run free to explore the area.

I called," Tony!"

He hurried through the doors, blowing his brown fringe out away from his face.

"Yes ma'am." He hesitated, his cheeks were red like a strawberry and his stupid fringe was in front of his eyes.

"Tony," I sighed," Cut that ridiculous fringe and tell me why you let Kahlal go,"

He stood in front of me afraid," I'm sorry! I thought he needed a run after a 16hour flight."

"Tony did I ask you to let him go,"-

"No ma'am."-


"I'm really sorry,"-

"Make sure this mistake isn't repeated again and please get rid of that silly fringe it is a hazard to yourself and others. Thank you! now you can leave. Go on a break and make sure you don't leave these grounds okay." I warned and return to my rightful position towards the meeting.


sorry for the late update been very busy!! Sorry this is short!!

Enjoy :)

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