12. Awakening

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We've been at the house of Alvaro's for two days, still no sign of Draven's arrival. I looked out to the fields to the other side, looking at hope that he will drive through the entrance.

"What do you think of this," Mesui turning around in her, coral dress that flows down to her feet. She wore diamond earrings and necklace which hang beautifully from her neck.

"You look beautiful," I smiled still looking out towards the entrance.

Mesui sighs," Siar he will be here tomorrow morning, and you aren't even looking at me!So how would you know I look beautiful.

I turned around, and of course she looks beautiful. She could never go wrong, everything she does is beautiful, in fact her mother is a beautiful lady.

"I told you, I know you from the back of my head. Damn it I don't know why I had to go. I should have stayed," I growled

"Full moon tonight and what do you think will happen?" Mesui sassed

"I don't care as long as I'm with him, that's all that matters, Mesui," I sassed back.

She slaps me across the head, which left a sting.

"Ow what was that for," I moaned

"You don't get it don't you?" Mesui taking off her diamonds," The full moon means trouble, who knows what will happen! You could possibly get yourself in great trouble...I know that the full moon means good loving...Oh and that's when wolves are at their full strength."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well wait till you get your mate then you will know what it feels like! It's pissing me off more, I want to go and wait at the airport for him," I moaned

"Goodness me, Listen to yourself you sound like a whining child. Patients is the key, he will be here tomorrow and you're not allowed to go anywhere...Can you promise me that," She looked at me with Innocent eyes.

I can't go against my father, I may make things worse if I leave. We promise that we will meet each other here in one piece.

"You know what. You're right, I'm going to sleep soon ...One sec. have you seen Marina?" I asked with curiosity.

Marina has been acting strange since we've got here, she's not herself. She has been talking to herself unexpectedly, I'm getting worried about her...There is something strange happening. I can't get why she's playing up.

"No...We have band rehearsals soon and I invited her to feature in a song with me for the Noble dinner," Mesui said, rubbing her lips.

I got off my seat," Hey, I will see you tomorrow I'm drained."

"You've done nothing today, I don't know why you're so tired," She shrugged her shoulders.

"Actually I've been tired since I've got here..oh well, I could really do with some sleep right now. Anyways you have you a beaut night," I kissed her goodbye.

I walked into my room and for some reasons I felt a sting in my chest, it was painful like someone pinching you non-stop with their nails. I crawled on to my bed heaving in pain. I started to get hot i stripped my clothes off breathing heavily...Then I felt tears as I weep in pain. I called for Draven, I kept calling him till he could hear my thoughts. I couldn't handle the ferocious burn in my chest, the heat traveled everywhere. I was biting air trying to catch my concentration.

"Siar it's okay, I'm nearly there I can feel your pain you need to relax," Draven said

I groaned in pain, as I sweat on the sheets of my bed. I couldn't communicate except cry in agony to myself.

"Siar everything is okay I am safe, we are nearly home. You need to relax and concentrate. Think happy thoughts, I'm here with you my love."

I took his words I started to feel better, before I knew it I was asleep thinking happy thoughts. Sewing the pain away.

"Can we have kids please," I asked

Draven smiled at me and put his hand on mine.

"Yes we can"

"I want a rugby team"

"No way two to four kids is fine with me...Not fifteen," Draven laughed

"I wanna live in the human world too...at the house you're at now," I smiled

"Really? we can stay here. You're Alpha you can't leave," Draven confused

"It's all for you, I know you don't like the Were world,"-

"No Siar, I want to stay here this is where we belong and we can't afford to go back and forth from the Were world. Thank you for thinking about me. You know there is two of us in a relationship, and my decision is to stay at the Alvaro's, and I know that's what you want," Draven caught me in a hug.

He read right through me, he understood that I was half pie about the human world. I wanna rule in the Were world where Were wolves belong. I would do anything for him as he would do the same for me.

I woke up the next morning feeling good, refresh and strong. I hoped out of bed and went to the toilet, I washed my hands and looked in the mirror. I looked at myself in shock, I tripped backwards and fell on my bottom.

"What happen to me," I asked myself, looking at my hands and feeling my body parts.

I slowly got up giving myself the courage to look in the mirror again.

I touched my face and body. I've changed, I looked more lean and have grown bigger muscles. I was slim and in good shape, but now I'm like a macho man. I've grown in height too. How did this happened and why.

I flexed my biceps in the mirror, my eyes widen in amazement, I have never seen myself so built.

I got changed into a baby blue button up shirt and black formal trousers, and wore black leather dress shoes. I did my hair into a comb over. I smiled and pouted in the mirror excited to see Draven.

I walked out to the front foyer of the house, as I entered everyone in there stared at me in shock.

"Oh my gosh, who are you," Marina shocked

"Oh my gosh you're so hot," Mariah spoke

"Where's Siar," Axel startled

"Hello darling, I see you've grown into your manhood," Mum smiled and hugged me

Manhood? do we go through manhood drastically or am I slowly growing. This is weird.

"Good Morning everyone," I waved awkwardly

"What happen to you Siar, you're so different, like a real full grown macho man," Marina kissed me.

"I woke up and found myself like this...The reaction of Draven is what I'm worried about," I said worried

"Oh my gosh, please don't remind me," Marina cooed

I looked at her confused I thought she'll be happy that Draven is arriving today.

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