27. Last Chance

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We made it to the top of Theodora mountain to my old home.  We needed to get to the temple to drop the berika into a well that the river flows through. There were wolves surrounded everywhere. I wonder how Logan manage to build such a large military of wolves.

"there's at least six wolves surrounding the castle, " Siar noted. He sniffed for any predators around us but we were both safe." I don't know how we're going to get ourselves to the temple"

I thought very hard and precise about a plan but nothing was functioning. I heard a clear sound of flying daggers flying swiftly through the trees. Watching all six wolves fall silently.

Siar's eyes widen in disbelief. We both looked back at three dressed in black, people jumping out of the trees shifting into their wolf form.

They ran towards the temple swiftly.  I didn't know who they were but I knew they neither enemies. Siar and I, ran behind them,  all three wolves ran with a synchronised rhythm that was like a flow of wind. I know they aren't Siar's war wolves, because they don't practice stealth. It sure isn't my mother's because they were swift and ran like they were dancing.

"Draven I love you," Siar whispered. Those three words made me feel determined to finish this job. I was happy. "Let's get in there," Siar directed.

We both transformed back to our human bodies and scanned the place for any problems. It seemed all clean those three wolves must have killed them all. I wonder who they are. 
I grabbed Siar's hand because I didn't want him to leave me. I've been so focussed on this mission that I forgot about him. How much I love him and don't want him out of my sight again.

"It should be somewhere around here," I whispered scanning the area. We walked up passed the castle to the temple. It was hard to find since there was a lot of bush and weeds around. It's weird how you find the entrance it isn't obvious, but since the plants around have overgrown the life out of itself it was harder to find. I eventually found it with the help of Siar. I was surprise that it wasn't guarded or has been visited.

The temple isn't as nice as it use to be. There were overgrown vines and weeds sticking out of cracks. The rural walls that once were silver and gold, now stained shades of grey and black. The carving of the walls were withered you couldn't make out the carving of nature and man in the walls. They were all smudged by cracks. I felt the wall, it was cold as ice. We made it to the end of the great hall to a room where the fountain sat with blood water pouring out, it had a sparkle of green. You can almost hear the blood screaming in pain. There stood a once beautiful view of the town and the arena where war wolves use to train. The arena looked dead as anything, you couldn't see it because the grass had overgrown. 

"Why is the fountain the colour of blood with green sparkles," Siar asked, staring at it shocked.

"That's life of Teodora," I explained trying not to touch the blood. "There's a wound on the land that needs healing. It is strange but my people we live off the land it is our life, we learn from the land and feed it love."

"Since Logan has taken over, Teodora has been brutally hurt. My mother told me that if blood ever pours out of the fountain to never touch it. It is the sign of death and it will burn you," I looked at him. "If the blood was ever to turn maroon red, then that is the final of Teodora's existence. The area will fall under as the lost city. It will never be revived or seen again...nor the people who stayed on."

"Siar, don't look too long there's a dark magic within the blood that can hypnotise you to touch it. It is out to kill silently," I warned him. I grabbed his hand and shook him awake. I knew he was possessed because his eyes shined a bright red.

"Sorry babe," He said rubbing his eyes. 

"Hey look what I found," Siar pointed out to a coconut shell with a rope laced to hold it.

Siar picked it up and handed it to me. "There's a reason why it is here," I questioned

"It must be to scoop the blood," Siar beemed. 

I'm glad he came because he was very helpful, so he should since he's going to be a king. I think he's already showing great leader skills. I grabbed the coconut shell and dipped it in the blood. There was no killing of the coconut, it came out unharmed. 

I figured out where the blood must be poured. There's this statue tree that has an opening mouth where we use to chuck our marbles down to see where it ends up. We got caught by our father and got in trouble so we never did it again.

We went to the tree and poured the blood in, there was a big stretch across the land. A howl of cries as the land shaked. Something was happening to me, it felt like my head was about to explode. I felt myself lean over in pain. I heard Siar but couldn't hear what he was saying. I felt him hold me tight within his arms.

"Wake up my lovely son," An old lady spoke

I opened my eyes...

The Enigma Wolf (Boyxboy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant