"Sure, what for?" The edge in Aiden's voice was seductive and flicking my brain in and out of its thought process.

"Free house" I whispered and I could hear Aiden chuckle.

"Great, means we can make as much noise as we want... playing scrabble!" Aiden laughed but I could still hear the desperation in his voice.

"I'm more of a bop-it girl" I teased and Aiden put the phone down and was on his way over. As suspected a few minutes later, Aiden was standing at the door and sweeped me in his arms for a kiss. I allowed myself to slip into the wonder that was his embrace but it was soon demolished by Casey's words in my brain and I broke the kiss.

As much as I wanted what Aiden was giving, it would clearly have to wait.

Aiden smiled at me as he sexually squeezed my bum. I sat down on my bed and crossed my legs, making a clear sign that we were not here for his reason. He sat down next to me detecting my want to talk.

"What's going on?" Aiden rested his hand on my knee drawing shapes with his thumb.

"I was thinking maybe we should tell people about us" I looked down at his thumb and avoided eye contact, when the words sank in, his thumb froze.

"Why? Were fine as we are. We are fine right?" Aiden rested his hand flat and I lifted my head, his eyebrows had formed a frown and he was staring through me. I stared back at him.

"We are, it's just, we're together now and there's no reason to hide it" I held the look and his frown didn't move. Now what was wrong?

"Well, I like us how we are, you know, not official" Aiden's hand left my knee and he fiddled with his t-shirt. I took a moment to think when a bomb went off in my brain. NOT OFFICIAL? As far as I knew we were official, he said so, what the hell had changed, we were together!

"Not official, you said we were!" I stood and looked down on him and he reformed his frown and looked up at me. He was so sexy when he frowned but not when it was towards me. He stood up to stand in front of me.

"No I didn't, you said it!" We were so close now and in a movie we would kiss but right now all I wanted to do was push him and NOT into bed.

"What's the issue, why do you want to keep us a secret, I don't understand" I admitted, he was standing with his fists tightened and a scowl on his face, it was a position I didn't see often but it generally meant that Aiden was being resistant and not wanting to start anything. I was the opposite though, I wanted to grind his nerves and annoy him so that he would tell me. I didn't understand what was his issue.

"I just want to keep us a secret, what's the issue with that!" We were almost yelling now and I was losing all patience to be kind.

"Is it your friends?" I quoted the word friends with my fingers and this seemed to push his buttons.

"No, it's me, maybe I just don't want people to know!" He shouted this and his face changed slightly from anger to guilt when he realised what he said but the majority of his body language still reflected aggression.

"You know what, you're not the person I fell in love with! The Aiden that was my best friend was caring and loved me for who I was and would always show me off, that was the person I went on vacation with! I think I left the real you in Florida and bought a stupid, arrogant arsehole home!" I had stepped forward and he was standing straight now, I caught my reflection in my mirror and I was breathing anger, my hair had fallen down and my eyes were widened with power and my face was flushed. Aiden just stood, staring at the wall. He finally turned around.

"I could have anyone I wanted at school or in Florida, but I chose you" Aiden's voice was lower now. This only made me flip more.

"You are so vein and big-headed! I hate it, if you could have anyone why don't you go and pick one of your cheerleader bitches to kiss your arse because I defiantly wont" Tears had filled my eyes so I spun and exited my room and darted into the bathroom, locking the door. I had seen why my brother had chosen it to avoid me, it felt like a safe-house, excluded from the drama outside. I heard Aiden follow and knew he was on the other side as I heard him pound on the door.

"Open the door!" He pounded some more.

"No, piss off!" I screamed making sure it was loud enough through the door.

"You know what, fine, we're done, but we're not done because we were never official!" I heard Aiden head down the stairs and the front door slam closed shaking the house. I opened the bathroom door and went back into my room, flopping onto the bed. I didn't really know what had just happened, all I knew is that whatever Aiden and I had, had been lost by his enormous ego. I sat up and allowed the tears to flow.

Aiden knew he had hurt me, I just didn't know if he cared. 

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