I Just Want To Be Happy

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Cold, I sit here thinking.

I can't stop my mind from remembering.

My heart won't stop hurting.

Just as I begin to find happiness,

Memories flood my fragile eyes

Salty tears escape the squeezing grip on my heart,

And it feels as though the pain won't stop.

Satan flicks a switch and watches me suffer under his chains

How do I crawl myself out of this black void?

Every time I reach the top, I seem to just fall back down again

I just want to be happy

I want to feel loved

I want to trust others

I want to be taken seriously

I want to be noticed

But when do I ever get what I want?


So, that was depressing. I haven't updated any of my books in quite a while - I'm sorry. School has been horrendously busy because exams are coming up. So is prize giving, so is graduation. I have one week left of actual school but then external exams course through the month of November. 

Let's just say that I'm kind of stressed XD

Anyway! Hope you liked my poem x

- C.K.

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