Answers and a Shower

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We did have questions. Well, I did, but who cares what the little elf wants to know, right? I groaned as I sat in a room filled with high wolves and the human.

The human's name was Jamison, and he was in his eighteenth year. He looked old for his age, and he said that was due to something called cosmetic surgery. "Up there, nobody cares how old you are. If you want to reconstruct your face, you get a few months rationed and that it," he had said.

Wolfy asked him things from who his King was to where he really came from. Wolfy was growing angry, and somewhere deep inside me something stirred.

Wolfy was growling. No one called Wolfy by a name. It was always Alpha. Nothing more, nothing less.

I had to wonder what pack I had wandered into, and why I was being allowed to sit in on this meeting when there were no other females, let alone a tiny elf.

Frowning, I watched as the Alpha slammed his hand down on his desk, "Take the human back downstairs. One of the rooms, not the cells."

The wolves around him nodded, and one went to take the humans arm, but before he could grab it the human pulled away quickly. "Wait! What about her?" he questioned, his plain human eyes flashing. "She's obviously not one of you. The only one that hasn't sent her weird looks is you, big guy."

The Alpha's eyebrow rose, and he snarled. "What she is doing here is no one's concern but my own. She is my prisoner, I will do what I please with her," he paused and seemed to think it over, "and you would do well not to question me."

I blinked in surprise, and tried to ignore the low snarls that surrounded me. The human went quietly after that, and I sat watching the man behind the desk.

When I had met him, and in the clearing, he had seemed a different man than I just saw. Which was the facade? And why was there even one put on? Humming under my breath, I began to absentmindedly playing with the hair that had fallen from my carefully placed branches.

I don't know how long the silence played out, but finally the Alpha cleared his throat. "Now, to deal with you, little elf."

Eyes snapping to him, I frowned. "Deal with me? I did nothing wrong."

He tsked, and shook his head. "You have disobeyed me, ran from my wolves, traipsed around my pack lands like you owned it, and stare me in the eye like you are my equal."

I shook my own head, hair falling around my face. "I didn't know I was on your lands, I was leaving. You're the one who decided to chase me. If you hadn't I would not be here now." I stated it matter-of-factly and his eyes flashed at my defiance.

A growl started low in his throat, and I watched as he stood. Within seconds he was leaning over my small body, and I was trying to melt into the couch. "You're breath smells like dog," I lied.

He laughed, a cold sound and leaned his face down into my neck. I held still, fear sliding down my skin. Would he smell what I was under the months of gunk I had let pile into my skin?

He pulled back on a snarl, and stared down at me again, his eyes cold and calculating. "You will be put in the room across from mine. Guards on you all day and all night until I can figure you out, little elf."

Blinking, I was surprised at the sudden cold that washed over my body that the space between us caused. I wanted him close to me. Touching me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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