Chapter 10

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Percy's POV

It's been four years since I was brought into the pack. Four years without seeing the hunters and constantly moving across the land. My free time was spending the day watching humans and practicing my powers. I have to say humans live weird lives like riding in these metal beasts that Stella said the humans called cars. Their shelters were made of odd rocks that they call home. There were so many things that didn't make sense to me and made me curious, but Stella said being curious around humans is a dangerous thing.

They used to hunt us down for our pelts and destroyed our lively forest that we called home. Every werewolf was scared of humans for that reason. we keep our selves distanced and stayed in hiding with keeping the mingling with humans when needed.

Some of the older and stronger pack members went out to get supplies from the human world like medicine, clothes, and things that were needed. All pups had to stay with several female werewolves. Nyla, Bear, and I all sat with Stella who was currently teaching us more about the ways of humans. I swear why did humans invent math? It makes no sense. But Stella says we must learn the way of humans to survive.

I started thinking of what has been spreading around the pack, the demi-god that they called the sea's spawn. He was claimed two years ago by Poseidon and he already has a reputation to be on the top of the demigod hunting list and is called arrogant. He returned Zeus's lightning bolt and traveled across the Sea of Monsters. I then went to thinking of practicing and learning more about my powers. I can manipulate nature (that I gained from my mother), some control over shadows but nothing like the children of Hades from my father, stronger senses, agility, and I can control water from a blessing from Poseidon himself who came to me in a dream. I remember the feel as the warm blue glow that surrounded my body.

I was standing near the ocean and a man with an ugly bright colored shirt with salt and pepper hair stood before me. He smelled like the sea and smiled a care free smile. He looked at me with his bright swirling green eyes "Perseus, I am here to give you my blessing. For you will be needed soon at camp-halfblood for a war is coming and you must protect my son even if you hate him and the daughter of Athena. For I shall give you power ,of my domain. But beware for Zeus wants you killed to punish your mother, who broke her oath. I must leave now."

He touched my forehead and a warm sea-green glow surrounded my body. Before Poseidon left he gave me a grim look "good luck young wolf for many troubles will find you. Find the hunters, they need you." With that ,I woke.

After that dream I found out I could control water and breath underwater (A/N He can't be healed by water). I started thinking of everything that my father has made me do like killing another innocent demigod who's name was Alice. The first deer I hunted by myself. Oh just thinking about having a freshly killed deer made my mouth water. When I turn thirteen I will finally be able to go on hunts for food.

My thoughts were interrupted when Stella smacked the back of my head "pay attention pup! You need to learn this!. Now add these two numbers." I did as she said and even helped Ny with adding. I was quite proud of myself for helping Ny because she usually is the one helping me.

Nyla looked up from her work "mom when will we learn more about human history?"

Stella smiled "in due time. You have to learn about your own history first. Well, this is enough with math! I need to start teaching you three what werewolves can do."

Stella raised her hand towards the ground "who wants an apple?" As she said that a small tree started grow from the ground and grew four small red apples.

My eyes grew wide "you can do what I can!"

Stella nodded "yep. Any form of nature that some weres can do who have been blessed by Lupa your mother. Most werewolves are blessed with some sort of power whether it be over shadows, nature, extra strength in senses or the power to read emotions better than most werewolves and little things that can help the pack."

"what can you do?" I asked.

"Well I know exactly where our location is as long as we are on land and you already know about the nature manipulation. But I don't have abilities that I can fight with." I nodded even though you can fight with nature but Stella said my power was stronger because of my mother. Hers must only do small things even though making a snack appear right before you is freaking awesome!

Bear looked down "I only have extra strength."

Stella took his face in her hands making him look up "that is a good thing young pup. Having strength, to protect your family is something you should be proud of."

Bear smiled and nodded. Nyla's powers are extra strength in all her senses, agility, and light. Almost like my power over shadows except over light which is really cool to watch her use. (she can shoot light out of her palms!) We practiced fighting with our jaws snapping at each other and aim for the throat for a perfect kill.

By the time the sun was setting the others came back from getting the supplies from the humans. Father stood in front of the pack "We must get moving for the hunters are close! Pack and keep the pups near as we travel." I rolled my eyes. He sure knows how to make the pack think he is the best thing in the world, but all he wants is to get back at the gods for not making him a god.

I look behind us as we started to run. My ears flickered back and forth as I heard the foot steps of the girl's feet hitting the soft ground. Nyla looked at me with worry "Percy don't do it you know dad will find you and punish you. Remember last time?"

I tried running away after a "lesson" that dad gave me. I had a black eye, a split lip, bite marks that spread across my body, and he did things that I won't speak of. I can't give up not after what Poseidon told me. The hunters needed me. My other family needed me and my mother is on their side. I don't want to leave Ny but I will come back for her and take her and Bear away from the pack and we will start our own. I looked over all my fellow werewolves that I call my friends and family.

I pushed my ears back and looked a Ny "I am sorry but I have to try and please behave. I love you sis."  I turned and ran in the direction of the hunters. Hope filled my chest as I heard them come closer and Zoe's voice was heard ordering her fellow hunters to hurry.

I sped up and yipped with glee when they came into sight. Zoe slowed and smiled "Percy! Is that you?" She yelled out to me.

I kept running but shifted into my human form and ran into her arms. "I missed you guys!"

She had tears running down her face "You have no idea how long we tried to find you." Her tone got serious "if you ever get taken again I will personally kill you!"

I laughed "I love you too."

The girls that were there all took turns hugging me until the last one was waiting. I grinned "Phoebo!"

Phoebe came running and engulfed me into a hug "let's get back to camp before the others notice you ran." She pulled back and looked over my body that was battered and bruised.

Zoe gasped and made me look at her "what happened!"

My eyes filled with pain as I remembered my lesson "I- I was punished for disobeying orders and I made a deal with Lycaon."

Phoebe put her hands on her hips "what deal and what orders?"

I gulped "I would take Nyla my little sister's punishments and I tried to run."

Zoe grabbed my arm and pulled me after her "we need to get going so we are safe. You have a lot of explaining to do when we get there!" The walk to the camp was silent. I gave me time to think of how much I will tell them about my father's punishments.

We entered the camp and the others ran to me hugging me and telling how much they missed me. I am finally home with my family again. Most of the girls have raised me and watched over me when I first came here. Zoe pushed them out of the way and led me to Artemis's tent. When we stopped Zoe poked her head in the tent "My lady we found him."

With that one sentence Artemis who I know as my second mother came over to me and hugged me. The smell of salt hit my nose as she cried "Percy! My baby boy is home."

I smiled as I rubbed my face in the crook of her neck and took in her loving scent.

I held her close not wanting to move away "I am home."

Alright! All finished and ready to continue updating to be able to update at the same time as my fanfiction account. 

Lot's of love, 


The Son of Lupa and Lycaonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن