Chapter 6

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Percy's PoV

My senses slowly came back to me after have that sedation injected into me. I slowly opened my eyes only to see a small dark room and my wrists were chained to the floor with just enough room to walk in a small circle. I groan as the door opens and light pours into the room. A man with black hair and who was very tall.

He clapped "Well it's finally nice to meet you Perseus, your mother hid you well by choosing the Hunters."

I watch him closely "why am I chained?"

He smiles " You have been corrupted son by living with those awful hunters, you need a little breaking in before you become my son. Your sister of yours is weak but unless you aren't I will let her live." I clenched my teeth and a warning growl rumbles in my chest. No one's life should be put on the line like that especially my sister, even though I don't know her yet. He clapped his hands "Good you at least have a fighting spirit in you."

He leaned over to me and took my face in his hands, he ran his finger down the scar that ran from my temple to my lip. I yank my face out of his grip. He snapped his fingers and the door opened, two other werewolves walked in carrying very sharp looking silver items. I could feel my wolf scratching at the surface but I couldn't shift, it was almost like something was holding it back, it was very uncomfortable.

My father smiles "Ah I see that the chains are working well. Isn't it uncomfortable, almost feels like your wolf is agitated but can't be released?" I answered with a growl and flashed my sharp teeth.

He turned to the other werewolves and grabbed a knife then slowly walked back to me. "So how old are you now Perseus?"

"Ten why?"

He snorts "only a pup, I guess I will go easy on you, don't want my eldest child to die on me."

I laugh "nope we wouldn't want that, I like living." He only smiled then he sent his arm downward stabbing my leg. I bit my tongue so I wouldn't cry out in pain. A small whimper slipped from my lips when he dragged the knife down my leg. I know I will have a scar after this because everything he used was made with silver. Dear gods this man is a psychopath.

"Go get the post!" He barked at the other two werewolves and they obeyed. When they came back in they were carrying a huge wooden post with chains on top to hold my wrists. The wolf was snarling inside warning me of danger, I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as they pulled me over to the post. I tried pulling away but my leg was throbbing from the knife wound. They pushed me to my knees and chained my wrists on the sides, with my back facing Lyacon. "Remove his shirt and get me the whip!"

I squeezed my eyes shut praying to the gods that this is a dream. My shirt was cut off and my muscles tightened as I waited for the whip to make contact with my skin. I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't cry out as the whip made contact with the skin on my back. This went on for hours and all I could think about was how Zoe would be telling me 'I told you so' if I ever saw the hunters again.

My father stops and walks over to where my face was "this is what you have to look forward to every day unless you obey me as your Alpha."

I move my eyes up to meet his "you will never be my alpha or family."

He growled and pulled my head up "I would be careful of what you say or do because I have a group waiting for my orders to attack your precious little hunters." I looked at his face looking for any indication that he was lying. He stood up and walked out leaving me to my thoughts. I felt the tears well up behind my eyes as my back started throbbing and blood ran down my skin.

Zoe's PoV

We searched everywhere for Percy but could only find his paw prints along with shoe prints from different people. I started to panic as my thoughts jumped to the worst scenario, Lycaon finally found him. I ran back to camp with Phoebe to tell everyone the news. I felt tears fall down my face as the thought of my little wolf was with Lycaon and most likely in pain. He is my little brother that I never wanted but love so much and hey maybe a werewolf with a short temper but he is my little werewolf. I finger the scar of the bite wound Percy gave me on a full moon and well I pissed him off, he lost his hold on his human side and bit my arm. When I got to camp I went to Artemis to tell her what we found. I walked into her tent "My lady."

She turned around with a smile that soon faded "Any news about Perseus?"

I felt tears well up "We think Lyacon took him." I never really saw my Lady Artemis cry until now she kept saying my baby boy over and over again before she calmed down.

She looked straight into my eyes "We will get him back Zoe but I don't want him in any danger knowing Lycaon, he would kill Percy without a second thought."

I nodded and sniffed as I walked out. Phoebe was crying when I walked out of the tent and I walked over to her "we will get him back Phoebe I promise."

She nodded "still I feel like he might be in pain or afraid. He is only ten and he is like our little brother."

I pulled her into a hug "I know me too but we will get him back." Hopefully but I didn't say that to her.

I look up at the sunset and thought of the time Percy said goodbye to the sun and his smile when the moon rose. Yes, he got mood swings when the full moon was coming up, but I loved every second of him running around and always getting into trouble. I retired to my tent and cried myself to sleep, knowing my little wolf is gone and most likely hurt. My last thought was that I was going to kill Percy myself for not listening to me when I find him, gods he can be a real idiot sometimes.

Line Break!

I hate dreams when they are demigod dreams.(let's just say she can have demigod dreams.) I san Percy chained to a Wooden post with blood running down his back. He was mumbling under his breath "I'm sorry" over and over again making my heart break. The door opened and Percy rose his head and growled.

Lycaon walked over to him with a smile on his face "I only want to talk."

Percy growled again "I don't want to talk to you."

Lycaon frowned "I was going to offer you a little proposal. If you submit under my rule I will let your sister stay alive and if you fail to do so the eight-year-old will die. You have a week to accept my offer but until then you will stay here and every day like I said before I will come back." With that, he left Percy who was struggling against his chains.

I woke up with a gasp, I kept taking deep breaths of air to calm my fast beating heart. I kept saying to myself "Percy is alive, not great but alive and that's all that matters." I ran out of my tent to find Phoebe and Lady Artemis to tell them of my dream.

I hope you guys liked the chapter and sorry that is was short I am taking it off of my Fanfiction account and am trying to get this caught up with my account.  Please comment I would love to hear what you think.

Stay awesome, 


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