If things couldn't get any worse!

Start from the beginning

                Mike placed his foot in the way of the door. He shoved it open sending me staggering back a little into the opposite side of the caravan.

                “Oh don’t be like that, considering the deal was about you, Princess,” Mike sneered.

                My eyes went wide. What? What the hell is he talking about? Why would my father make a deal with Mike? No. No way. He wouldn’t. Would he? The way he looks at me. He has been insinuating this for ages.  No. My father can’t sink this low.

                I scrambled away from him. I tried to put as much distance between him and I as possible.

                “Don’t be like that, Princess. It has been like this for a while. It was only a matter of time. Your father gave permission today,” Mike smirked.

                “Stay away from me. You… you pig,” I screamed.

                He pounced at me then grabbing me roughly by the waist and shoved me onto the bed. I scrambled to the back of the bed only for him to grab me by my ankles and pulled me back down the edge of the bed. I went to scream but he covered my mouth.

                “Like people will come to your aid,” He snickered.

                He tore off my leather jacket and threw it to the side. He had my legs pinned under his weight and my arms were trapped by my side. I began to shake back and forth to get him off of me. He was going to forcefully mate me. He tore at my shirt roughly which nearly brought it totally away from me. I already felt exposed. He could see my bra through the gaps in the shirt.

                My eyes were wide. I couldn’t let this happen. I wasn’t going to let this happen. He leant against me and began to kiss down my neck. It sickened me. I hated him. He kissed on the area he intended to mark me. I felt his hands greedily roam my side. I felt disgusted and violated. I had never hated my father or Mike as much as I did right now. I felt his canines extend and touch at my skin. NO. I bucked him off of me with all the force I got put together. He lost his balance and fell to the floor. I took this opportunity to dive for the door of the caravan.

                I crashed through the door and began to run away from the caravan. I felt Anna very close to the surface. I was very tempted to let her have full control. I was shaking at how close my wolf was right now. She was right there at the surface like all I had to do was give her the signal. The rogues looked at me and my torn shirt. They were unsure what to do. I ignored them until I heard the annoyed snarl of Mike.

                He charged from the caravan and charged at me. His face was contorted in anger. His eyes only held one emotion. Rage!

                “I have a deal!” he screamed.

                “I don’t!” I shouted back, as I took off running.

                I heard it then. I heard the tearing of clothes. He had shifted. I needed to protect myself. I wouldn’t let this happen to me.

                Anna. I am letting you take over. I want him gone.

                My pleasure!

                I let Anna take full control. I felt my eyes go totally black. My shaking increased as I felt myself start the shifting process. In seconds, I had shifted into my totally black wolf. My clothes were now shredded around my paws. A crowd had groan now watching intently as Mike and I countered each other in a circle.

                We were watching each other’s moves intently waiting for the first move. I saw my father come over smirking. He smiled darkly as he watched the scene unfold. He wasn’t going to stop this. He was going to let one of us die. That wasn’t going to be. Mike lunged forward snapping his teeth towards my neck but I quickly dodged before swiping out with my paw and scraping him around the face.

                I saw the blood begin to flow before Mike through himself on top of me. I was sent sprawling with Mike. We tussled and fought viciously. I kept biting at his side drawing blood each time. He was doing the same with me. I could feel his teeth as they cut into me. It was painful but I was purely focusing on winning this fight.

                I threw him off of me with my back legs sending him crashing into a tree. I heard him howl in pain before he crawled up from the ground. He was limping slightly and hurt. He bared his teeth and snarled angrily. My wolf was just as big as his. I was just as strong as he was right now. I was going to make him pay for this.

                He made the mistake of lashing out in his vulnerable state. I took no time or thought when I bit into his neck and jerked it snapping it instantly. I let go of his body dropping it to the floor. He shifted back into his human form. He was dead.

                I stepped away from his body. He was the first person I had killed. Right now, I didn’t feel any remorse. I knew this would come at some point but right now, I didn’t care at all. I didn’t feel anything for his death. He tried to forcefully mate me. I hated him. I hated him and my father. They were horrible people.

                I stalked away from the crowd that had built up. My father was still smirking.

                “Jennifer,” he shouted.

                I turned to face him still in my wolf form.

                “Nice fight. Well won. Get changed. We have a meeting with the Alpha and Beta of the Silver Moon Pack in half an hour. They want the girls back,” My father smirked.

                I nodded in my wolf form before retreating back to my caravan. I shifted and entered going straight into the shower. I scrubbed body raw trying to remove any blood. I had killed someone and I hated it. I was a heartless murderer just like my father. I was so angry. Anna was so angry. I was doing it for self-defence.

                I sighed. I needed to forget this. I had to meet with the Alpha and Beta of the Silver Moon Pack. I had to focus on that. I needed to focus on something other than everything else that was pushing down on me.

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Chloe x

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