Rushing to my office to discard my jacket and purse, I notice that Matilda's office light is the only one on in the entire place. When I catch sight of her, she is pacing in front of her desk, looking extremely calm considering she was a mess on the phone a mere fifteen minutes ago. I rush over to my desk once I've turned my own light on and rip my coat off as quickly as I can. Before I can leave to make my way to Matilda's office, I hear the elevator ding and I can only hope it's Greer inside of it. When the doors open and my eyes land on her face, my body physically relaxes and I let out a heavy sigh of relief. Not only do I need the support of my work wife right about now, she's the one bringing the coffee this morning.

I let out a tiny chuckle when I see her rush toward my office, doing her best to keep the paper cups from falling out of the tray. Her short, black hair seems to be a bit of a mess on top of her head, likely caused by the wind I encountered only moments ago. She breezes through the door to my office and shoves the tray of coffees at me.

"What in the damn Hell is going on this morning?" Her breath is coming out in short pants as she unwinds the scarf from around her neck. I shrug as I take a sip of my drink: dark roast, two creams, two sugars.

"I haven't a clue," I reply, handing the other cup to her as she throws her coat on one of the chairs in my office. "I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure out who has got Tilda's knickers in such a twist."

Greer pulls a rather disgusted face and moves her drink toward her mouth. Before taking a sip I hear "Please don't talk about our boss's underwear this early in the morning." I can't help but laugh, linking my arm through hers as we make our way toward Matilda's office.

"Who else has she called in this early," I whisper to Greer while we slowly approach the corner office. "Do you know?"  She throws a quick glance at me before shaking her head.

"No idea." She takes another quick pull from her coffee cup before continuing. "I figured you'd be here.  I was shocked she'd called me in.  I'm guessing Rad and Fallon will be here, too." She shrugs her shoulders and I put on my best hopeful grin when we reach Matilda's office.

"Ladies, you're here!  Finally."  She throws her hands in the air, as if she is going to pull us into some sort of embrace. Instead, she gestured for us to make our way into the conference room next to her office. "Please, go make yourselves comfortable.  I'm hoping the others will be here any minute now."

I am a mess of nerves as we sit and wait for the "others" to arrive. I can only hope that it is, in fact, Conrad and Fallon. If this is such a big assignment, I wouldn't want to have to work with anyone other than those two and Greer. When I hear the elevator ding yet again, my heart rate speeds up a bit while I wait to see who it will reveal. 

When I see the only two faces I could think of, I am elated. I don't even know which client we will be dealing with or what our assignment even is but now, it doesn't matter. As long as I get to work with my best friends, who also happen to be some of the most talented writers I know, it is sure to be a slam dunk.

Fallon is the first of the two to enter the conference room, anxious grin on her face. She takes the seat next to mine, doing her best to tame her long, fiery hair before she speaks.

"Ok, what is this all about?" The tone in her voice is a bit frantic and she looks from me to Greer and back to me.  We both shrug, shaking our heads as Conrad walks in.  He sends his hand up in a quick wave to all of us before taking the chair next to Greer.

"Ladies.  Interesting morning so far, yeah?"  He is the only one of us who brought anything to take notes with, as usual.  I watch as he opens his small notebook to a fresh page and lines up a couple of pens on the table in front of him.  It is as if he is here to take notes for an hour long lecture, and not a simple meeting with our boss. 

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