chapter 12- arguments

Start from the beginning

"Fine, then this time I'll play as you! I'm gonna enjoy kicking your butt as yourself, Naruto!" I announced, and Naruto looked determined.

"No way! I'm gonna beat you this time! And as you!" he selected Hiromi, and we started.

Yet again, I won.

It repeated in this pattern for a long time. Naruto played as every character on there except Sasuke, which made sense to me, seeing as they're rivals, blah, blah, blah. He didn't look happy when I played as Sasuke, though.

By the end of the tournament, Naruto hadn't won a single match. But he was getting better.

"Just face it, Naruto." I patted his head smugly, "I'm pro at this game. Never been beaten."


"Naruto..?" I said lazily, lifting my legs to rest them on the coffee table. The two of us were sitting together on the sofa. We hadn't really been doing anything, not talking, just sitting in silence. It was nice to just be peaceful.

"Yeah...?" I blinked slowly, resting my head against his chest.

"Can I ask you a question?" I heard a hum of approval, so continued, "What's going on with you and Sasuke?"

I heard Naruto's heart skip a beat, and he froze. After a moment, he answered stiffly, "It doesn't matter."

I started to scowl, "It does matter. You two are my friends."

Naruto seemed edgy, "Don't worry about it."

"But I do! Tell me!"

"Just drop it, Charlie!" he growled, and I was almost paralysed from shock. Then, the shock turned into hurt. Naruto had never been angry at me before.

I stood up abruptly and started through to my room. I could hear scrambling footsteps as Naruto jumped up from the sofa and came after me, "Wait! Charlie!"

I waved him off, "Go away." it was difficult to keep my voice from cracking. Why did his rebuke hurt so much?

"Charlie! I'm sorry!" he grabbed my hand, only to trip over the chair leg and land on top of me.

I struggled under his weight, trying to free myself, but he just used the opportunity to scooch and pin me underneath him. His hands secured my wrists, stopping me from hitting him or anything. Darn.

"Get off me." I growled, to keep the hurt from showing in my voice.

"No. Not until you accept my apology."

I just turned my face away, struggling harder. "Geroff!"

"Charlie.." I felt my arms being moved so that both could be pinned by one of his hands over my head, and squirmed. "If you don't forgive me, I'll have to tickle you."

I kept my mouth stubbornly closed, but struggled a little more to get out of his grip.

"Right, you asked for it." then there was tha unbearable sensation. I couldn't help it, I laughed until it hurt.

"St-stop!! Get off!" I spluttered through my laughter.

"No way, not until you-"

"Okay, okay!! I accept your apology!!" I yelled, and he finally let up.

"Good." I scowled at him, but it fell away after a moment as he just stared at me. I squirmed, uncomfortably pressed into the hard floor.

"Uh, Naruto?" I mumbled, turning slightly pink. He was so close... "You can get off of me now..."

In response, Naruto's face turned insanely red, and he leapt away, pulling me to my feet.

"S-sorry, Charlie, 'ttebayo!!" he cried anxiously. I giggled.

"It's okay, Naruto. Don't worry about it."


"Guys..?" I called to them anxiously, though sort of quiet because my migraine was back. "Stop it!"

They just continued to glare and throw insults at each other. My knees started to shake, and my head throbbed painfully.

"Stop arguing!" I cried a little louder, sending a surge of fire through my temple.

I clutched my head, doubling over.

"STOP IT!!" I screamed, feeling as though I would explode. Their attention was immediately on me, as I I threw my head back and gave a blood-curdling scream, shafts of bright light being emitted from my eyes. The light seemed to shift and become tangible, pouring out of my eyes and filling the room, while tears of blood ran down my cheeks.


OooooooooooOOOooOoooOoOooOoOoOOOoOohhh!!! What's gonna happen next?

I think it's pretty obvious. Or is it? 0.o

So, this chap also reveals another love interest of Charlie!! There may still be more love interests to come though. I haven't worked out all the kinks of the plot line.

Yes yes, short chappy again I know. But I need to go to sleep soon, and I wanted to post again tonight, so... deal with it. At least I'm finally posting something -.-

Aaaaanywaaay, fan, vote, and comment!!!

Lots of love,

The supreme ruler, crowned queen of cream crackers, Sora <3

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