"There they are, they look healthy and growing properly." She said.

I looked and gasped, that's when it got real for me

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I looked and gasped, that's when it got real for me. I could see their heads, hands, and feet. I had two growing beings in my belly, this was real. Not that it wasn't real before, but just seeing that they weren't little blobs anymore, it made me know that I am carrying these babies and I am a teen parent.

"Love at first sight, huh?"

"Yes." I simply said, because it was true, I already loved these babies.

She smiled. "A lot of first time parents are like that." She said, moving the wand a bit more.

"When can I find out if they're boys or girls?" I asked.

Come back at 20 weeks, that's when you can see if they're boys or girls." She told me.

I nodded. "Can I have a picture please?"

"Two of them?"

"Yes please."


When my appointment was over, I walked out and could see Ashton and Calum, arguing outside of the hospital. He must've told him.

I sighed and walked out, soon hearing them go back and forth.

"I have every right to have a say in if we put this baby up for adoption." Ashton said, a bit upset.

"No, I'm the one carrying this baby and dealing with the bullshit of being a pregnant male, so you don't have a say!" Calum shouted.

"Then when the baby is born, sign your rights over and give him to me then!"

Calum stared at him for a moment and laughed hysterically. "You? Taking care of a baby? Oh my god, that's priceless. You struggle to pay your rent and bills every month, putting a baby into the equation would just make it even more difficult for you. So to end this, I'm doing us both a favor."

Ashton's face turned bright red, he looked like he wanted to strangle Calum for underestimating him like he was some child, so that was my cue to jump in and end this.

"Alright, that's enough." I turn around and got in between them. "Both of you need to grow that fuck up and start making adult decisions." I said, before turning to Calum. "Calum, maybe you should sit down and think this over. You're hormones are out of wack right now and you're not thinking clearly. I know this is hard, but how do you think I feel? I'm bringing not one, but two babies in this world, don't you think I'm scared too?" I said, starting to tear up. "I don't have parents who are gonna help me through this, Calum, but you do! Your parents are willing to buy you cribs, clothes, bottles, formula, and even a place to stay, I can't even get twenty fucking dollars from my parents to even buy diapers for these babies." I said, my eyes and nose red from crying. "We're sixteen, Calum! None of this was suppose to happen, but it did, and now it's time to pay the consequences for our actions. Be happy that Ashton is even putting effort into trying to make this work, there's mothers and fathers out there that just walk away when the responsibility gets to be too much." I told him. "So do the right thing and just let him be a father to the child that's growing inside you, I'm not saying the both of you have to get married and live happily ever after, but there is this thing called co-parenting. Give it a try before giving up on him so easily." I finished, walking back to the car, getting in the backseat.

"Is everything okay? Why are you crying?" I heard Michael ask.

I nodded, wiping tears away. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just the pregnancy hormones." I said, laying my head on his shoulder.


Don't worry, there will be drama, give it a couple chapters or more.

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-Apryle ❤️

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