Chapter 17: We Love Each Other (Good End)

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"Why did you do that? Guests are the one who needs to wear blue." Pony said.

"So what? I like blue. You said it earlier that I don't have to be a traditional bride" Star response.

"You're always weird"

The two continued walking towards a hige door of the church. Trumpets sounded as the door opened. A sweet music started as they both step inside with a smile. They keep walking while the invited guest stare at them.

When they finally near the altar, Nicholas opened his hand towards the girls. Star grab Pony's hand and give it to the Prince.

Everyone's eyes widened except for the King, Star and Nicholas.

"Wait, what's going on here" Pony question.

"Prince Nicholas Kayter, could you explain this?" Queen Fate Kayter asked her son.

"You also Princess Star Butterfly" Moon said.

"I will explain everything" the prince said.

"You really must young man" Fate said.

"I please Princess Butterfly to do it. Star didn't love me Mother, she love someone else and they love each other.  I also love Princess Pony Head. So I came up with this idea. I told Star to make Pony the bride and I know this will happen" Nicholas explain.

"Is this true Princess Butterfly?" Queen Kayter asked.

"It is true" a voice of a man said everybody turn to see who is it and it was Marco.

"Excuse me young man but I believe I wasn't talking to you"

Marco walk towards Star and held her hand very tight. He look at Moon.

"Queen Butterfly, you might hate me because I was the one who's always with your daughter doing all those dangerous but fun adventures. Yes, it is my fault. I know I should've stop her at it but I joined her. Thanks to those adventures we spent, I  learned so much about me and her. We learned that what's love and we also felt it" Marco said.

"And we love each other" Star added staring at Marco's eyes dreamy.

"Really? I thought all this time that Marco didn't love you Star. I thought he only wants power so I tried to find a way to make you forget him." Moon said sadly. "I'm very sorry Star and Marco. Also to you Kayters"

"Even you're forgiven Queen Butterfly, this doesn't solve our problem between our subjects." Fate reminded.

"Um Mom. I can marry Pony Head instead of Star. She is still a princess of Mewni so there is no difference" Nicholas said.

"Yes there's no difference but the problem is. Princess Pony, will you marry my son for the sake of both kingdoms?" Fate said.

Pony was very shocked. She was afraid, angry, worried but a bit happy at the same time. She didn't know what to do.

"I don't know" Pony said before running away.

Star immediately follow her so did Marco and Nicholas. They found themselves at a forest looking for Pony Head.

Pony hide behind the bushes near them. She can hear them loud and clear but she choose to be silent.

"PONY!!! WHERE ARE YOU?" Star yell.

"I'll go this way to look" Nicholas said before leaving into other path.

"PONY HEAD COME OUT" Marco yell.

"Pony I'm very sorry" Star yell starting to cry. "I forgot to consider your feelings just for my selfishness" she added.

"Star it's not selfishness. It's not your fault" Marco said calming Star.

"No Marco, it is. I did it because I know Pony is my best friend. She will do everything for me" Star said.

"Pony, I'm so sorry. You're so kind and generous but yet I abuse it. I know that it's very painful to be abuse and the words 'I'm sorry' are not enough." Star continue to apologize.

Tears started to fall from Pony's eyes. Hearing her best friend apologize make her feel bad. Knowing Star cries also makes her cry.

"Star, don't cry it also makes me cry" Pony finally said while standing. She rub her eyes.

"Pony" Star said hugging her best friend. "You don't have to marry Nicholas. I'll find other way to-"

"You don't have to. I can marry him just give me some time to spend so I can know him more. I was just shocked earlier." Pony said.

"Thank you so much" Star said with a smile.

"Earth Turd. If I'll ever find out that you'll do something bad to Star. I will surely tear you apart" Pony warn.

"You can trust me Pony. I cannot bare watching her cry" Marco response.

"Plus. Nicholas I know you're there. You saw what you wanted you can get down now and let's go back all together" Pony said.

Star and Marco give her a confused look. Suddenly something heavy drop behind her and it stand up. It was the prince.

"You should stop climbing trees when you feel sorry" Pony said to Nicholas.

"I'll try but I just felt really sorry" Nicholas response.

They all head back together happily. It was like nothing happened. They all looked like they have no problems.

They opened the church door stopping everyone to look at them. The 4 just smile.

"We talked about it and finally made an agreement. Well if you guys also agree" Star said to their worried parents.

"Of course we will. What is it then?" Moon said.

"I'll marry Prince Nicholas but not today. Give us some time to get to know each other more." Pony said.

"Sure but be smart on taking paths cupcake" King Pony Head said with a caring smile.

"How about you Star and Marco? Do you want to get married?" River asked.

"Not now because I still want to finish school on Earth with Marco and get proper jobs then save enough money for the future together" Star said happily to her parents.

"It's settled then. I'm not gonna be a bummer in your plan" Moon speak up.

"Everything might stay but love is the only thing that changes everyone into a good one" Marco said happily.

-The End-


This is what I called a Good End.
Atleast it's a happy ending.
Everyone wins.

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